Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Indianapolis, IN 46227
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Indianapolis IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Baptist Churches | 317-784-1005 | 2200 E Hanna Ave | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Bethany Lutheran Church | 317-786-7854 | 4702 S East St | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Bethel Memorial Church | 317-783-5297 | 2810 E Southport Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Bethel Missionary Baptist Church | 317-788-9294 | 222 E Epler Ave | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Calvary Lutheran Missouri Synod | 317-783-2000 | 6111 Shelby St | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Christ United Methodist Church | 317-882-1549 | 8540 US 31 S | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Christian Churches | 317-784-5249 | 4050 Shelby St | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Church of Christ Scientist | 317-888-3204 | 7625 McFarland Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Church of Christ South Central | 317-887-1077 | 265 E Southport Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Church of Christ South Keystone | 317-787-4505 | 3802 S Keystone Ave | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Church of Christ Southport | 317-787-7059 | 7202 Madison Ave | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 317-881-5865 | 900 E Stop 11 Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Deaf Services | 317-783-7714 | 7154 McFarland Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Deas Christian Church | 317-786-7626 | 7218 McFarland Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Edgewood United Methodist Churc | 317-784-6086 | 1820 E Epler Ave | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Faith & Charity Assembly | 317-881-5125 | 306 E County Line Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Faith Community Church | 317-536-2015 | 6801 S East St | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Fathers House Christian Church | 317-788-8210 | 6838 Madison Ave | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
First Separate Baptist | 317-783-9870 | 25 Bixler Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Greenwood Christian Life | 317-889-5433 | 8808 Madison Ave | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Hope Lutheran Church | 317-787-7882 | 5701 McFarland Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Imagination Station | 317-780-4624 | 1947 E Southport Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Lutheran Churches | 317-881-7854 | 445 E Stop 11 Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Madison Avenue Baptist Church | 317-881-8485 | 7816 Madison Ave | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Missionary Bible Baptist | 317-788-1906 | 1401 Norton Ave | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Mt Zion General Baptist Church | 317-786-5073 | 3565 S Keystone Ave | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
New Harmony Church of Genl Baptist | 317-786-2686 | 3555 Carson Ave | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Overseas Council International | 317-788-7250 | 6239 S East St Ste B | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Rosedale Hills United Methodist Churc | 317-786-6474 | 4450 S Keystone Ave | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Sisters of Providence | 317-884-1814 | 7625 Briarstone Dr | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Sisters of Providence | 317-784-7226 | 5145 S Lasalle St | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Southport Baptist Church | 317-787-8236 | 2901 E Banta Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Southport Christian Church | 317-784-4431 | 201 E Epler Ave | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Southside Church of the Nazarene | 317-784-1373 | 2515 E Thompson Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Southside Missionary Baptist | 317-786-9122 | 1850 E Sumner Ave | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
St John's United Church of Christ | 317-881-2353 | 7031 S East St | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Suburban Baptist Church | 317-888-7289 | 722 E County Line Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Tallwood Chapel Community Churc | 317-787-5595 | 5560 Shelby St | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Thompson Road Baptist Church | 317-783-3348 | 1700 E Thompson Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Trinity General Baptist Church | 317-787-5741 | 1531 E Epler Ave | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Trinity Southern Baptist Church | 317-881-2122 | 375 E Southport Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
United Methodist Church | 317-787-5347 | 4002 Otterbein Ave | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
Woodland Baptist Church | 317-787-7516 | 3200 S East St | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 |
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