Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Indianapolis, IN 46228
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Indianapolis IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Covenant Community Church | 317-298-7868 | 5640 Cooper Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46228 |
Emmanuel Temple Church | 317-257-2895 | 6138 Michigan Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46228 |
Faith Tabernacle | 317-255-0914 | 5210 Michigan Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46228 |
First Mennonite Church | 317-251-1980 | 4601 Knollton Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46228 |
Israel of God's Church The | 317-251-3201 | 2135 Fox Hill Dr | Indianapolis | IN | 46228 |
Jehovah's Witnesses Congregation Ri | 317-253-9219 | 1857 Kessler Boulevard We | Indianapolis | IN | 46228 |
Kessler Krest Baptist Church | 317-293-0630 | 3315 W 56th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46228 |
New Covenant Baptist Church | 317-475-9040 | 1800 W 57th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46228 |
Redeemed Christian Church | 317-726-0889 | 5825 Michigan Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46228 |
Second Reformed Presbyterian Ch | 317-255-7557 | 4800 Michigan Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46228 |
United Methodist Church | 317-257-0237 | 5959 Grandview Dr | Indianapolis | IN | 46228 |
Witherspoon Presbyterian Ch | 317-251-2297 | 5136 Michigan Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46228 |
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