Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Indianapolis, IN 46229
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Indianapolis IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aldersgate Free Methodist Churc | 317-898-4870 | 9035 E 21st St | Indianapolis | IN | 46229 |
Antioch the Apostolic Church | 317-894-4937 | 11140 E 10th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46229 |
Buck Creek Baptist Church | 317-894-5001 | 135 Muessing Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46229 |
Church of Christ Eastside | 317-894-0497 | 10055 E 25th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46229 |
Cumberland Christian Church | 317-894-2657 | 12032 E Washington St | Indianapolis | IN | 46229 |
Faith United Methodist Church | 317-898-2204 | 9031 E 16th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46229 |
First Baptist Church of Cumberland | 317-894-2645 | 116 S Muessing St | Indianapolis | IN | 46229 |
First Korean United Methodist Churc | 317-894-4456 | 10240 E 21st St | Indianapolis | IN | 46229 |
Heather Hills Baptist Church | 317-894-7474 | 1421 N German Church Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46229 |
Korean Baptist Church of Ipls | 317-894-1292 | 10125 E 30th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46229 |
Mt Comfort United Methodist Churc | 317-894-8965 | 3179 N Mount Comfort Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46229 |
Our Savior Missionary Baptist Church | 317-899-0145 | 9150 E 10th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46229 |
Sgi-USA | 317-898-1497 | 2126 N Mitthoeffer Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46229 |
Sherwood Hills Baptist Church | 317-894-7036 | 10029 E 30th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46229 |
St John United Church of Christ | 317-894-7958 | 11000 E Washington St | Indianapolis | IN | 46229 |
Warren Baptist Church | 317-898-9996 | 9501 E 21st St | Indianapolis | IN | 46229 |
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