Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Indianapolis, IN 46235
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Indianapolis IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abundat Faith Missionary Bapt | 317-890-9926 | 10050 E 38th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46235 |
Agape Christian Church | 317-823-4806 | 10607 E 56th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46235 |
Browning Systems Inc | 317-823-3628 | 10140 Treewood Dr | Indianapolis | IN | 46235 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 317-894-4260 | 3255 N German Church Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46235 |
Cornerstone Baptist Church | 317-823-6891 | 10701 E 56th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46235 |
Fervent Prayer | 317-898-2751 | 10512 E 38th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46235 |
Fountain of Truth Christian Churc | 317-899-2525 | 9809 E 42nd St | Indianapolis | IN | 46235 |
Jesus Saves Lighthouse Church | 317-895-8814 | 9901 E 38th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46235 |
Mount Carmel Baptist Church | 317-890-2740 | 4352 N Mitthoeffer Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46235 |
Mt Gerizim Baptist Church | 317-899-3779 | 9750 E 42nd St | Indianapolis | IN | 46235 |
New Fellowship Family Church | 317-895-9820 | 9340 E 38th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46235 |
Rock of Faith Missionary Bapt | 317-895-1006 | 10302 E 38th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46235 |
Word of Faith Christian Church | 317-899-0426 | 3702 N Mitthoeffer Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46235 |
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