Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Indianapolis, IN 46250
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Indianapolis IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Campus Crusade | 317-841-8001 | 8383 Craig St | Indianapolis | IN | 46250 |
Castleton Church of the Nazarene | 317-577-8890 | 7848 Allisonville Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46250 |
Christ Covenant Orthodox Presby | 317-570-9739 | 5302 E 72nd Pl | Indianapolis | IN | 46250 |
Christian Missionary Fellowship | 317-578-2700 | 5525 E 82nd St | Indianapolis | IN | 46250 |
Circle City Church | 317-841-8315 | 6405 Castleplace Dr | Indianapolis | IN | 46250 |
Cross and Crown Lutheran Church | 317-849-4500 | 5233 E 79th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46250 |
Duncan Derek L Rev | 317-849-1261 | 6049 E 91st St | Indianapolis | IN | 46250 |
Eunhye Korean Presbyterian Ch | 317-915-0611 | 7936 Allisonville Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46250 |
Grace Presbyterian Church in Ameri | 317-849-1565 | 7900 Allisonville Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46250 |
Vineyard Christian Fellowship Chur | 317-841-3510 | 7278 E 86th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46250 |
Walnut Grove Chapel | 317-842-0862 | 5825 E 91st St | Indianapolis | IN | 46250 |
Wesleyan The | 317-576-0359 | 7990 Castleway Dr | Indianapolis | IN | 46250 |
Word Alive International | 317-576-9673 | 7960 Castleway Dr | Indianapolis | IN | 46250 |
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