Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Indianapolis, IN 46220
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Indianapolis IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bishop Chatard High School | 317-251-1451 | 5885 Crittenden Ave | Indianapolis | IN | 46220 |
Catholic | 317-251-3997 | 4100 E 56th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46220 |
Eastwood Middle School | 317-259-5401 | 4401 E 62nd St | Indianapolis | IN | 46220 |
Indiana Pain & Treatment Cente | 317-466-7246 | 5501 E 71st St Ste 1A | Indianapolis | IN | 46220 |
Indianapolis Junior Academy of S D | 317-251-0560 | 2910 E 62nd St | Indianapolis | IN | 46220 |
Indianapolis Public School District | 317-693-5700 | 1115 Broad Ripple Ave | Indianapolis | IN | 46220 |
Indianapolis Public School District | 317-226-4255 | 1349 E 54th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46220 |
Indianapolis Public School District | 317-226-4284 | 440 E 57th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46220 |
Indianapolis Public School District | 317-226-4259 | 2424 Kessler Boulevard Ea | Indianapolis | IN | 46220 |
John Strange Elementary School | 317-259-5465 | 3660 E 62nd St | Indianapolis | IN | 46220 |
Lawrence Township Schools | 317-849-0249 | 7001 Johnson Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46220 |
Parochial Schools | 317-257-9366 | 5858 Crittenden Ave | Indianapolis | IN | 46220 |
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