Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Indianapolis, IN 46268
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Indianapolis IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A Auto Driving School | 317-876-1808 | 3333 Founders Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46268 |
Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory Sch | 317-872-7050 | 2801 W 86th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46268 |
College Park Elementary School | 317-298-2788 | 2811 Barnard St | Indianapolis | IN | 46268 |
Lincoln Middle School | 317-291-9499 | 5353 W 71st St | Indianapolis | IN | 46268 |
Metro School District of Pike Townshi | 317-387-2545 | 6321 La Pas Trl | Indianapolis | IN | 46268 |
Metro School District of Pike Townshi | 317-298-2784 | 7839 New Augusta Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46268 |
Metro School District of Pike Townshi | 317-387-4328 | 6450 Rodebaugh Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46268 |
Metro School District of Pike Townshi | 317-291-5250 | 5401 W 71st St | Indianapolis | IN | 46268 |
Metro School District of Pike Townshi | 317-298-2778 | 6801 Zionsville Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46268 |
Metro School District of Pike Townshi | 317-293-0393 | 6901 Zionsville Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46268 |
Pike Township Schools | 317-387-2507 | 6643 Guion Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46268 |
Pike Township Schools | 317-388-7800 | 6250 Rodebaugh Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46268 |
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