Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Portage, IN 46368
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Portage IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bible Baptist Church | 219-763-3960 | 6659 US Highway 6 | Portage | IN | 46368 |
Bridge Community Church The | 219-762-3958 | 2874 Monnier St | Portage | IN | 46368 |
Church of Jesus Christ The | 219-763-1049 | 2797 Bryant St | Portage | IN | 46368 |
Family Life Skills Learning Center | 219-763-3256 | 6450 Evergreen Ave | Portage | IN | 46368 |
First Bapt Church of Portage Garbc | 219-762-3931 | 6129 Mulberry Ave | Portage | IN | 46368 |
First Presbyterian Church | 219-762-4914 | 6225 Lute Rd | Portage | IN | 46368 |
First United Methodist Church of Porta | 219-762-3846 | 2637 McCool Rd | Portage | IN | 46368 |
Grace Baptist Church | 219-762-2663 | 5785 Mulberry Ave | Portage | IN | 46368 |
Holy Cross Lutheran Church | 219-763-6343 | 5402 US Highway 6 | Portage | IN | 46368 |
Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church | 219-762-7635 | 6322 Portage Ave | Portage | IN | 46368 |
Northwood Baptist Church | 219-763-7515 | 5686 McCasland Ave | Portage | IN | 46368 |
Ogden Dunes Community Church Presbyte | 219-762-1184 | 116 Hillcrest Rd | Portage | IN | 46368 |
Portage Avenue Baptist Church | 219-763-1827 | 6605 Portage Ave | Portage | IN | 46368 |
Portage Christian Church | 219-762-1622 | 5880 Evergreen Ave | Portage | IN | 46368 |
Portage Community Bible Church | 219-762-8951 | 2748 Willowdale Rd | Portage | IN | 46368 |
Portage General Baptist Church | 219-764-7874 | 2439 Chestnut St | Portage | IN | 46368 |
Portage Missionary Baptist Church | 219-762-8111 | 7045 Lenburg Rd | Portage | IN | 46368 |
United Pentecostal Church of Porta | 219-762-4933 | 2865 Willowdale Rd | Portage | IN | 46368 |
Victory Christian Center Corporat | 219-764-8229 | 5855 Central Ave | Portage | IN | 46368 |
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