Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Osceola, IN 46561
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Osceola IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Cedar Road Missionary Church | 574-255-9382 | 525 Cedar Rd | Osceola | IN | 46561 |
Christ's Church in Michiana | 574-674-6200 | 55540 Apple Rd | Osceola | IN | 46561 |
Faith Community Church | 574-674-8494 | 54662 Ash Rd | Osceola | IN | 46561 |
First General Baptist Church of Osceo | 574-679-4062 | 11101 McKinley Hwy | Osceola | IN | 46561 |
Grace Brethren Church of Osceola | 574-674-5918 | 58343 Apple Rd | Osceola | IN | 46561 |
Jl Vegh Photography | 574-674-8151 | 10122 Bradie Way | Osceola | IN | 46561 |
New Life Baptist Church | 574-674-2868 | 11593 McKinley Hwy | Osceola | IN | 46561 |
North Pointe Baptist Church | 574-252-5639 | 54900 Luan Dr | Osceola | IN | 46561 |
Osceola United Methodist Churc | 574-674-5602 | 423 N Beech Rd | Osceola | IN | 46561 |
Pleasant Valley United Church of Chris | 574-674-6014 | 10955 Edison Rd | Osceola | IN | 46561 |
Simply Delightful | 574-679-0084 | 407 Lincoln Way W | Osceola | IN | 46561 |
The Oasis Praise and Worship Center | 574-675-0080 | 10844 McKinley Hwy | Osceola | IN | 46561 |
Voice Ministries | 574-674-8199 | 58100 Potawatomie St | Osceola | IN | 46561 |
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