Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in South Bend, IN 46614
* Each listing below of Churches Information for South Bend IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bright Horizon Preschool | 574-291-4141 | 3010 S Ironwood Dr | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Calvary Temple | 574-291-5230 | 3717 S Michigan St | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Christian Center Church Lesea | 574-291-3292 | 530 E Ireland Rd | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Church Growth Services | 574-291-4777 | 120 E Callander St | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Church of Christ Donmoyer Avenue | 574-291-6852 | 718 Donmoyer Ave | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Church of God Anderson Ind | 574-291-5704 | 7351 US 31 S | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Community Baptist Christian Schoo | 574-291-3620 | 5715 Miami St | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Deer Run Church of Christ | 574-289-3338 | 2730 S Ironwood Dr | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
First Brethren Church of South Bend | 574-291-4909 | 4909 S Ironwood Rd | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
First Seventh Day Adventist Churc | 574-234-3044 | 1936 Altgeld St | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Gideons International | 574-299-9694 | 5318 Larkspur Dr | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Grace United Methodist Church | 574-288-4789 | 3012 S Twyckenham Dr | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Grace United Methodist Church | 574-287-3179 | 3114 S Twyckenham Dr | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Hillside Missionary Church | 574-291-2864 | 21567 Ireland Rd | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Hilltop | 574-291-4717 | 4114 S Ironwood Dr | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Kern Road Mennonite Church | 574-291-0924 | 18211 Kern Rd | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Maple Grove United Methodist Churc | 574-291-2772 | 22019 New Rd | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
New Beginnings Community Fello | 574-291-7500 | 19688 Kern Rd | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Photography by Bruce | 574-299-9810 | 1846 Renfrew Dr | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Scataglini Ministries | 574-259-7729 | 19450 Orchard Heights Dr | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Sonlight Fellowship Wesleyan | 574-291-6202 | 3702 S Michigan St | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
South Side Baptist Church Sbc | 574-291-1665 | 1130 E Jackson Rd | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Southlawn United Methodist Churc | 574-291-3070 | 60756 US 31 S | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Southside Christian Church Disciple | 574-291-1156 | 1329 E Jackson Rd | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
St Mary of the Assumption Chur | 574-287-0225 | 3501 S Locust Rd | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Sumption Prairie United Methodist Churc | 574-287-5890 | 24535 Roosevelt Rd | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Trinity Evangelical Free Church | 574-291-4741 | 61770 Miami Rd | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
United Pentecostal Church | 574-291-3060 | 4609 S Ironwood Rd | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
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