Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in South Bend, IN 46619
* Each listing below of Churches Information for South Bend IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Assembly Church | 574-234-6757 | 720 S Bendix Dr | South Bend | IN | 46619 |
Bethany | 574-289-1083 | 5302 W Sample St | South Bend | IN | 46619 |
Bethlehem Baptist Church | 574-232-6309 | 24393 Fillmore Rd | South Bend | IN | 46619 |
Church of Jesus Christ The | 574-287-1153 | 701 S Edison Ave | South Bend | IN | 46619 |
Engrave Images Inc | 574-288-2236 | 244 S Olive St | South Bend | IN | 46619 |
Family & Youth Outreach Svcs Inc | 574-288-6809 | 160 N Summit Dr | South Bend | IN | 46619 |
Greater Friendship Missionary | 574-288-7487 | 206 S Falcon St | South Bend | IN | 46619 |
High Resolution Sbc | 574-234-3256 | 4614 W Western Ave | South Bend | IN | 46619 |
Lake Chapel Primitive Baptist Church | 574-287-8161 | 202 S Lake St | South Bend | IN | 46619 |
Layman Chapel C M E Church | 574-287-2500 | 303 S Kenmore St | South Bend | IN | 46619 |
Local Quartet Union | 574-288-7523 | 2722 W Western Ave | South Bend | IN | 46619 |
Mayflower Apostolic Church | 574-289-2746 | 59366 Mayflower Rd | South Bend | IN | 46619 |
Monson Chapel United Methodist Churc | 574-287-0201 | 24172 State Road 2 | South Bend | IN | 46619 |
New Bethel Tabernacle | 574-232-2891 | 2627 Napier St | South Bend | IN | 46619 |
New Horizons Outreach Ministry | 574-246-0522 | 56165 Mayflower Rd | South Bend | IN | 46619 |
New Salem Baptist Church | 574-287-6069 | 141 Camden St | South Bend | IN | 46619 |
Nueva Jerusalen | 574-232-8579 | 721 Sylvan Ln | South Bend | IN | 46619 |
Second Baptist Church | 574-287-3000 | 24828 Fillmore Rd | South Bend | IN | 46619 |
Southbend Seventh Day Adventist Hispa | 574-233-9589 | 156 S Lombardy Dr | South Bend | IN | 46619 |
Spiritual Israel Church | 574-288-7703 | 3517 W Washington St | South Bend | IN | 46619 |
St Mary's Parish National Cathol | 574-287-9381 | 159 N Summit Dr | South Bend | IN | 46619 |
St Mary's Parish National Cathol | 574-233-1961 | 1601 W Sample St | South Bend | IN | 46619 |
St Paul Gospel Mission Church of God I | 574-288-2093 | 3801 W Washington St | South Bend | IN | 46619 |
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