Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Home Builders in Granger, IN 46530
* Each listing below of Home Builders Information for Granger IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Amos Concrete Construction in | 574-264-4447 | 29734 County Road 1 | Granger | IN | 46530 |
Berkeley Corporation | 574-277-5765 | 12657 Adams Rd | Granger | IN | 46530 |
Birkey W R and Associates | 574-272-2892 | 12200 Adams Rd | Granger | IN | 46530 |
Coe Todd | 574-272-7572 | 50564 Weeping Willow Run W | Granger | IN | 46530 |
Construction Plus | 574-273-9113 | 15031 Adams Rd | Granger | IN | 46530 |
Cowsert Jr Septic Tank Cleaning & Inst | 574-674-2951 | 51783 Ash Rd | Granger | IN | 46530 |
Devon Custom Homes | 574-271-0686 | 14254 Wynstone Ct | Granger | IN | 46530 |
Genesis Restoration & Fine Carpentry | 574-273-9335 | 12600 Glen Oak Ln W | Granger | IN | 46530 |
Gerard Homes Inc | 574-247-0226 | 12801 Sandy Ct | Granger | IN | 46530 |
Gerard Homes Inc | 574-277-6487 | 14224 Stonehurst Ct | Granger | IN | 46530 |
Grunawalt Edward Jr Tile Contr | 574-272-1912 | 15427 Siena Ct | Granger | IN | 46530 |
Heritage Construction Co Inc | 574-277-0101 | 14763 State Road 23 | Granger | IN | 46530 |
Lewandowski Builders | 574-277-3085 | 52468 Silverleaf Ct | Granger | IN | 46530 |
Lowman Rick Contr | 574-243-0520 | 11312 Nicole Dr S | Granger | IN | 46530 |
Prairie Renovations | 574-272-6512 | 51277 Harbor Ridge Dr | Granger | IN | 46530 |
Ryan Custom Homes Inc | 574-273-0624 | 15580 Victorian Ct | Granger | IN | 46530 |
Snyder Custom Builders Inc | 574-277-1035 | 51538 Autumn Ridge Dr | Granger | IN | 46530 |
Stacy Custom Homes | 574-679-9433 | 51716 Trail Ridge Dr | Granger | IN | 46530 |
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