Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in South Bend, IN 46614
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for South Bend IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Angelo's Family Restaurant | 574-299-9614 | 4301 S Michigan St | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Applebee's Grill & Bar | 574-291-8522 | 1150 E Ireland Rd | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Burger King Restaurants | 574-291-4300 | 1113 E Ireland Rd | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Coffee Mug Restaurant | 574-289-7645 | 23420 State Road 23 | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Hacienda Mexican Restaurant | 574-291-2566 | 4650 Miami St | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Honkers Family Restaurant | 574-291-2115 | 3939 S Michigan St | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 574-291-0083 | 4207 S Michigan St | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
King Gyros | 574-231-8983 | 2717 S Michigan St | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Long John Silver's Seafood Shoppe | 574-291-1220 | 920 E Ireland Rd | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Mancinos Samuel Italian Eatery | 574-231-1160 | 910 Erskine Plz | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Maxi's Food & Spirit Barn | 574-291-9181 | 114 W Ireland Rd | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
P & G Family Restaurant | 574-288-7792 | 2335 Prairie Ave | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads | 574-299-8306 | 135 E Ireland Rd | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Taco Bell Inc | 574-291-9550 | 231 E Ireland Rd | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 574-291-6171 | 4227 S Michigan St | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Wings Etc Restaurant & Pub | 574-291-0077 | 2051 E Ireland Rd | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
Woodland Inn | 574-633-4458 | 63992 State Road 331 | South Bend | IN | 46614 |
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