Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in South Bend, IN 46637
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for South Bend IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Between the Buns | 574-247-9293 | 1803 S Bend Ave | South Bend | IN | 46637 |
Blimpie Subs & Salads | 574-273-2234 | 2027 S Bend Ave | South Bend | IN | 46637 |
Bob Evans Restaurant | 574-272-6737 | 204 S Dixie Way | South Bend | IN | 46637 |
Burger King Restaurants | 574-273-2220 | 2171 S Bend Ave | South Bend | IN | 46637 |
Clay Pub | 574-277-6982 | 52170 Indiana State Rt | South Bend | IN | 46637 |
Denny's Restaurant | 574-273-3066 | 303 S Dixie Way | South Bend | IN | 46637 |
Elenis Restaurant | 574-277-1618 | 52820 Indiana State Route | South Bend | IN | 46637 |
Elia's | 574-277-7239 | 115 N Dixie Way | South Bend | IN | 46637 |
Fazoli's Restaurant | 574-277-4008 | 52770 Indiana State Route | South Bend | IN | 46637 |
Gipper's Lounge | 574-272-6600 | 515 N Dixie Way | South Bend | IN | 46637 |
K F C | 574-273-8426 | 2019 State Road 23 | South Bend | IN | 46637 |
K's Grill & Pub | 574-277-2527 | 1733 S Bend Ave | South Bend | IN | 46637 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 574-277-0433 | 52044 Indiana State Route | South Bend | IN | 46637 |
King Gyros | 574-272-0608 | 501 N Dixie Way | South Bend | IN | 46637 |
Lula's Cafe Llc | 574-273-6216 | 1631 Edison Rd | South Bend | IN | 46637 |
Mikado | 574-272-2535 | 402 N Dixie Way | South Bend | IN | 46637 |
Perkins Restaurant & Bakery | 574-272-0655 | 423 S Dixie Way | South Bend | IN | 46637 |
Steak and Ale Restaurants | 574-277-3766 | 52554 Indiana State Route | South Bend | IN | 46637 |
Steak N Shake | 574-271-9412 | 52939 Indiana State Rt | South Bend | IN | 46637 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads | 574-277-1024 | 52577 Indiana State Route | South Bend | IN | 46637 |
Taco Bell Inc | 574-272-2387 | 231 N Dixie Way | South Bend | IN | 46637 |
Thai Lao Food | 574-271-8845 | 1835 S Bend Ave | South Bend | IN | 46637 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 574-271-9777 | 310 S Dixie Way | South Bend | IN | 46637 |
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