Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Lafayette, IN 47901
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Lafayette IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Ame Church | 765-423-1300 | 820 Ferry St | Lafayette | IN | 47901 |
Catholic Chancery Diocese of Lafa | 765-742-0275 | 610 Lingle Ave | Lafayette | IN | 47901 |
Center for Christian Growth | 765-742-8006 | 31 N 7th St | Lafayette | IN | 47901 |
Christian Science Reading Room | 765-742-5929 | 668 Main St | Lafayette | IN | 47901 |
Concord Community Church | 765-471-1199 | 2502 Mondavi Blvd | Lafayette | IN | 47901 |
First Baptist Church | 765-742-5223 | 411 N 7th St | Lafayette | IN | 47901 |
First Christian Church | 765-742-4058 | 329 N 6th St | Lafayette | IN | 47901 |
Korean Church of Purdue | 765-743-8183 | 320 North St | Lafayette | IN | 47901 |
Maranatha Christian Fellowship | 765-420-7160 | 408 North St | Lafayette | IN | 47901 |
Sisters of St Francis | 765-742-4693 | 804 North St | Lafayette | IN | 47901 |
St James Lutheran Church & School | 765-423-1616 | 800 Cincinnati St | Lafayette | IN | 47901 |
St Mary Cathedral | 765-742-4440 | 1207 Columbia St | Lafayette | IN | 47901 |
St Philomena Center | 765-742-4884 | 810 North St | Lafayette | IN | 47901 |
Sunrise Christian Reformed Church | 765-471-9548 | 909 E 510 S | Lafayette | IN | 47901 |
Trinity United Methodist Churc | 765-742-1288 | 404 N 6th St | Lafayette | IN | 47901 |
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