Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Lafayette, IN 47905
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Lafayette IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Faith Assembly | 765-474-5042 | 100 Murphy St | Lafayette | IN | 47905 |
Apostolic Tabernacle | 765-448-9787 | 3824 State Road 38 E | Lafayette | IN | 47905 |
Calvary Chapel | 765-477-7744 | 2111 E State St | Lafayette | IN | 47905 |
Christ Memorial Temple | 765-447-9190 | 3801 Union St | Lafayette | IN | 47905 |
Church of Christ Lafayette | 765-447-1480 | 405 N Creasy Ln | Lafayette | IN | 47905 |
Congress Street United Methodist Churc | 765-447-4158 | 2010 Congress St | Lafayette | IN | 47905 |
Country Lane Baptist Church | 765-447-5620 | 5872 E 50 S | Lafayette | IN | 47905 |
Dayton United Methodist Church | 765-296-3117 | 7201 Wesleyan Dr | Lafayette | IN | 47905 |
East Congregation of Jehovah's Witne | 765-447-2663 | 2224 E State St | Lafayette | IN | 47905 |
East Tipp Baptist Church Sbc | 765-589-3587 | 5300 E 300 N | Lafayette | IN | 47905 |
Eastside Assembly of God | 765-447-5687 | 6121 E 50 S | Lafayette | IN | 47905 |
Elston Heights Baptist Church | 765-474-2950 | 2424 US Highway 231 S | Lafayette | IN | 47905 |
Evergreen Wesleyan Church | 765-742-7842 | 1525 Grove St | Lafayette | IN | 47905 |
Faith Baptist Church | 765-448-1986 | 5526 State Road 26 E | Lafayette | IN | 47905 |
Heritage United Methodist | 765-429-5130 | 3111 N 350 E | Lafayette | IN | 47905 |
Hope Chapel Presby Church | 765-742-7257 | 505 S 3rd St | Lafayette | IN | 47905 |
Immanuel United Church of Christ | 765-474-6496 | 1526 S 18th St | Lafayette | IN | 47905 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 765-447-6000 | 650 E | Lafayette | IN | 47905 |
Lafayette Church of the Brethren | 765-474-5021 | 1107 S 18th St | Lafayette | IN | 47905 |
Old Oxford Baptist Church | 765-296-8181 | 502 S 1000 E | Lafayette | IN | 47905 |
St Ann's Church | 765-742-2884 | Memorial Hall | Lafayette | IN | 47905 |
Whole Truth Apostolic Faith Assembly | 765-742-7799 | 901 S 19th St | Lafayette | IN | 47905 |
Word of Life Fellowship Church | 765-449-4008 | 3650 Greenbush St | Lafayette | IN | 47905 |
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