Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Lafayette, IN 47905
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Lafayette IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Addus Health Care | 765-448-1889 | 674 N 36th St | Lafayette | IN | 47905 |
Area IV Agency on Aging & Community Ser | 765-447-7683 | 660 N 36th St | Lafayette | IN | 47905 |
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Waba | 765-742-8045 | 1118 E State St | Lafayette | IN | 47905 |
Caregiver Companion | 765-423-1879 | 612 Wabash Ave | Lafayette | IN | 47905 |
Group Homes for Children | 765-742-2017 | 1116 E State St | Lafayette | IN | 47905 |
Habitat for Humanity | 765-423-4590 | 420 S 1st St | Lafayette | IN | 47905 |
Knights of Pythias | 765-474-2192 | 1501 S 18th St | Lafayette | IN | 47905 |
March of Dimes | 765-448-6641 | 3540 Coleman Ct | Lafayette | IN | 47905 |
Minority Health Coalition of Ti | 765-446-7920 | 3884 Penbrook Ln | Lafayette | IN | 47905 |
Nikken Independent Wellness Consul | 765-296-2841 | 5055 S 575 E | Lafayette | IN | 47905 |
Young Men's Christian Assn | 765-474-3448 | 1950 S 18th St | Lafayette | IN | 47905 |
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