Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Evansville, IN 47725
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Evansville IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethlehem United Church of Christ | 812-867-2497 | 6400 Oak Hill Rd | Evansville | IN | 47725 |
Blue Grass United Methodist | 812-867-3997 | 14240 Petersburg Rd | Evansville | IN | 47725 |
Centenary United Methodist Churc | 812-867-3920 | 14340 Old State Rd | Evansville | IN | 47725 |
Christian Fellowship Church | 812-867-6464 | 4100 Millersburg Rd | Evansville | IN | 47725 |
Church of the Harvest | 812-867-1770 | 7825 Oak Hill Rd | Evansville | IN | 47725 |
Emmanuel Baptist Church | 812-867-7066 | 7525 N Green River Rd | Evansville | IN | 47725 |
Immanuel Lutheran Church Lcms | 812-867-5088 | 1925 Volkman Rd | Evansville | IN | 47725 |
McCutchanville Community Churc | 812-867-5735 | 9505 Petersburg Rd | Evansville | IN | 47725 |
Parochial Schools | 812-867-5279 | 1403 W Boonville New Harmon | Evansville | IN | 47725 |
Salem United Church of Christ | 812-867-3142 | 14134 Darmstadt Rd | Evansville | IN | 47725 |
Scott Township General Baptist Church | 812-867-5627 | 11300 Walnut Rd | Evansville | IN | 47725 |
Southwestern Indiana Southern Baptis | 812-867-7451 | 6710 Oak Hill Rd | Evansville | IN | 47725 |
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