Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Air Conditioning Services in Terre Haute, IN 47807
* Each listing below of Air Conditioning Services Information for Terre Haute IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Dinkel Thomas T | 812-232-0968 | 1010 Chestnut St | Terre Haute | IN | 47807 |
Duncan Supply Company | 812-478-2818 | 1000 Ohio St | Terre Haute | IN | 47807 |
Hoosier Heating & Cooling Inc | 812-232-4613 | 318 N 22nd St | Terre Haute | IN | 47807 |
J's Hood & Duct | 812-235-8658 | 1207 N 10th St | Terre Haute | IN | 47807 |
Paitson Bros Heating & Air Conditionin | 812-232-2347 | 1200 Wabash Ave | Terre Haute | IN | 47807 |
Roehm Refrigeration Heating Air | 812-232-4127 | 117 N 12th St | Terre Haute | IN | 47807 |
The Plumber | 812-235-3089 | 1529 Wabash Ave | Terre Haute | IN | 47807 |
Union Heating & Air Conditioning in | 812-232-2810 | 2014 Wabash Ave | Terre Haute | IN | 47807 |
Wadsworth Furnace Co | 812-234-4806 | 1230 Wabash Ave | Terre Haute | IN | 47807 |
Williams Plumbing & Heating Inc | 812-238-2453 | 1354 Poplar St | Terre Haute | IN | 47807 |
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