Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Terre Haute, IN 47804
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Terre Haute IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Barbour Av United Meth Church | 812-232-7298 | 1401 Barbour Ave | Terre Haute | IN | 47804 |
Calvary Temple Church of Terre Haute | 812-232-6102 | 2100 N 6th 1/2 St | Terre Haute | IN | 47804 |
Christ's Church of Terre Haute Sbc | 812-235-4308 | 1283 Lafayette Ave | Terre Haute | IN | 47804 |
Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Sain | 812-234-0269 | 1845 N 6th 1/2 St | Terre Haute | IN | 47804 |
Eighth Av Baptist Church | 812-235-5401 | 2128 8th Ave | Terre Haute | IN | 47804 |
First Church of the Nazarene | 812-466-5817 | 801 Fort Harrison Rd | Terre Haute | IN | 47804 |
Highland Baptist Church | 812-466-7277 | 2851 N 13th 1/2 St | Terre Haute | IN | 47804 |
Maple Av United Meth Church | 812-232-7263 | 1203 Maple Ave | Terre Haute | IN | 47804 |
New Hope Church of God in Christ | 812-466-5345 | 3024 N 16th St | Terre Haute | IN | 47804 |
Northside Community United Methodis | 812-877-0405 | 2101 N 30th St | Terre Haute | IN | 47804 |
Prince of Peace Missionary Bapt | 812-232-0582 | 2415 8th Ave | Terre Haute | IN | 47804 |
Second Christian Church | 812-232-8093 | 401 8th Ave | Terre Haute | IN | 47804 |
St John Missionary Baptist Church | 812-232-2122 | 1915 Buckeye St | Terre Haute | IN | 47804 |
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