Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Dentists in Terre Haute, IN 47803
* Each listing below of Dentists Information for Terre Haute IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Affordable Dentures | 812-877-6724 | 2801 S Anton St | Terre Haute | IN | 47803 |
Colter Linda K Msd | 812-238-2148 | 430 S 31st St | Terre Haute | IN | 47803 |
Cox David E Dds | 812-232-2445 | 2510 Hulman St | Terre Haute | IN | 47803 |
Drake Kimberly J Dds | 812-877-9393 | 4949 E Poplar Dr | Terre Haute | IN | 47803 |
Drew Merle C Dds | 812-232-4088 | 1004 S 20th St | Terre Haute | IN | 47803 |
Findley Scott J Dds | 812-232-2775 | 3055 Poplar St | Terre Haute | IN | 47803 |
Gray Chas G Dds | 812-877-9215 | 800 N State Road 46 | Terre Haute | IN | 47803 |
Haring Mark A Dds | 812-877-2238 | 1626 S State Road 46 | Terre Haute | IN | 47803 |
Holstein Robert B Dds | 812-232-6227 | 1621 Paige Dr | Terre Haute | IN | 47803 |
Michaels Robt H Dds | 812-232-1693 | 2907 Poplar St | Terre Haute | IN | 47803 |
Morris Robt D Dds | 812-232-3263 | 115 S Fruitridge Ave | Terre Haute | IN | 47803 |
Staley Luke Dds | 812-232-8812 | 3528 Wabash Ave | Terre Haute | IN | 47803 |
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