Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Terre Haute, IN 47807
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Terre Haute IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American Red Cross Wabash Valley | 812-232-3393 | 700 S 3rd St | Terre Haute | IN | 47807 |
Area 7 Agency on Aging & Disabled | 812-232-2675 | 1718 Wabash Ave | Terre Haute | IN | 47807 |
Bethany House | 812-232-4978 | 1402 Locust St | Terre Haute | IN | 47807 |
Chances for Indiana Youths | 812-232-5190 | 444 S 6th St | Terre Haute | IN | 47807 |
Council on Domestic Abuses | 812-238-9577 | 33 S 3rd St | Terre Haute | IN | 47807 |
Covenant Cooperative Ministries | 812-478-7700 | 122 S 10th 1/2 St | Terre Haute | IN | 47807 |
Epilepsy Services | 812-238-7417 | 1606 7th Ave | Terre Haute | IN | 47807 |
Habitat for Humanity Inc | 812-235-5914 | 2313 Tippecanoe St | Terre Haute | IN | 47807 |
Light House Mission Inc | 812-232-7001 | 1450 Wabash Ave | Terre Haute | IN | 47807 |
Salvation Army The | 812-232-4081 | 234 S 8th St | Terre Haute | IN | 47807 |
Scott Residential | 812-232-1736 | | Terre Haute | IN | 47807 |
Stop Crime Line | 812-238-7867 | 201 Cherry St | Terre Haute | IN | 47807 |
Terre Haute Catholic Charities Food | 812-235-3424 | 1356 Locust St | Terre Haute | IN | 47807 |
United Cerebral Palsy of Wabash Valle | 812-232-6305 | 621 Poplar St | Terre Haute | IN | 47807 |
Western Indiana Community | 812-232-1264 | 701 S 5th St | Terre Haute | IN | 47807 |
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