Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Caterers in Lawrence, KS 66044
* Each listing below of Caterers Information for Lawrence KS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bambino's Italian Cafe | 785-832-8800 | 1801 Massachusetts St | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Downtown Catering | 785-856-3287 | 805 Vermont St | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Eldridge Hotel The | 785-749-5011 | 701 Massachusetts St | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Free State Brewing Company | 785-843-4555 | 636 Massachusetts St | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Indian Palace | 785-331-4300 | 129 E 10th St | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
La Parrilla Latin American Cuisin | 785-841-1100 | 814 Massachusetts St | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Liz Karr Catering Inc | 785-842-6821 | 512 E 9th St | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Maceli's Catering | 785-331-2096 | 1031 New Hampshire St | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Mariscos Restaurant | 785-312-9057 | 6th St & Wakarusa | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Riverfront Catering | 785-842-4216 | 1320 E 18th Ter | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Sugarfoot Catering & Carry Out | 785-842-0910 | 518 E 8th St | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Vermont Street Bbq | 785-856-4227 | 728 Massachusetts St | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Wheatfields Bakery | 785-841-5553 | 904 Vermont St | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Williams Catering | 785-843-8530 | 700 California St | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Yello Sub | 785-841-3268 | 624 W 12th St | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Zen Zero | 785-832-0001 | 811 Massachusetts St | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
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