Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Lawrence, KS 66049
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Lawrence KS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Christ Community Church | 785-842-7600 | 1100 Kasold Dr | Lawrence | KS | 66049 |
Christ Covenant Church | 785-842-5797 | 2312 Harvard Rd | Lawrence | KS | 66049 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 785-842-7893 | 3655 W 10th St | Lawrence | KS | 66049 |
Community Bible Church | 785-843-3239 | 906 N 1464 Rd | Lawrence | KS | 66049 |
Faith Church of the Nazarene | 785-843-7345 | 1020 Kasold Dr | Lawrence | KS | 66049 |
First Baptist Church | 785-843-0020 | 1330 Kasold Dr | Lawrence | KS | 66049 |
First Southern Baptist Church | 785-843-8167 | 4300 W 6th St | Lawrence | KS | 66049 |
Grace Evangelical Presbyterian Ch | 785-843-2005 | 3312 Calvin Dr | Lawrence | KS | 66049 |
Heritage Baptist Church | 785-887-2200 | 1781 E 800th Rd | Lawrence | KS | 66049 |
Lawrence Bible Chapel | 785-841-2607 | 505 Monterey Way | Lawrence | KS | 66049 |
Lawrence Heights Christian Churc | 785-843-1729 | 2321 Peterson Rd | Lawrence | KS | 66049 |
Morning Star Church | 785-749-0023 | 998 N 1771 Rd | Lawrence | KS | 66049 |
Mustard Seed Christian Fellowship | 785-841-5685 | 700 Wakarusa Dr | Lawrence | KS | 66049 |
New Hope Fellowship | 785-331-4673 | 1449 Kasold Dr | Lawrence | KS | 66049 |
Saint Margaret's Episcopal Churc | 785-865-5777 | 5700 W 6th St | Lawrence | KS | 66049 |
Unity Church of Lawrence | 785-841-1447 | 900 Madeline Ln | Lawrence | KS | 66049 |
West Side Church | 785-843-1504 | 1024 Kasold Dr | Lawrence | KS | 66049 |
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