Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Government Offices in Lawrence, KS 66044
* Each listing below of Government Offices Information for Lawrence KS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Douglas County | 785-832-5141 | 111 E 11th St | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Douglas County | 785-832-5273 | 110 Mass | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Douglas County | 785-832-5147 | 1100 Massachusetts St | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Douglas County | 785-832-5293 | 1242 Massachusetts St | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Douglas County Democratic Part | 785-749-2121 | 1025 N 3rd St | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Douglas County of | 785-331-1330 | 23rd & Santa Fe Trac | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Douglas County of | 785-842-2221 | 16984 3rd St | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Douglas County of | 785-832-5267 | County Clerk | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Douglas County of | 785-843-0721 | 200 Maine St | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Douglas County of | 785-331-1300 | 330 NE Industrial Ln | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Douglas County Senior Services Inc | 785-842-6976 | 1700 Massachusetts St Frnt | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Lawrence City of | 785-832-3000 | City Hall | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Lawrence City of | 785-832-7970 | 941 E 11th St | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Lawrence City of | 785-832-7950 | 1245 E 15th St | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Lawrence City of | 785-832-3123 | 6 E 6th St | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Lawrence City of | 785-832-3031 | 1120 Haskell Ave | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Lawrence City of | 785-832-3020 | 1141 Haskell Ave | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Lawrence City of | 785-832-7610 | 746 Kentucky St | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Lawrence City of | 785-832-7766 | 225 Maine St | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Lawrence City of | 785-832-7755 | 1839 Massachusetts St | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Lawrence City of | 785-832-7509 | 935 New Hampshire St | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Lawrence City of | 785-832-3310 | 947 New Hampshire St Ste 200A | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Lawrence City of | 785-832-3450 | 947 New Hampshire St Ste 200B | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Lawrence City of | 785-832-6190 | 1006 New Hampshire St | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Lawrence City of | 785-832-3100 | Riverfront Plz Ste Ste | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Lawrence City of | 785-832-7900 | 115 W 11th St | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
Lawrence City of | 785-832-7959 | 5250 W 27th | Lawrence | KS | 66044 |
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