Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Leavenworth, KS 66048
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Leavenworth KS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Ame Church | 913-682-8454 | 411 Kiowa St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Bethel Missionary Baptist Church | 913-682-4505 | 1504 Klemp St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 913-682-3790 | 4451 10th Ave | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Christ Church Anointed Ministries | 913-772-0267 | 745 Delaware St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Christian Life Worship Center | 913-651-1330 | 2601 S 4th St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Church of Christ | 913-682-1392 | 3911 10th Ave | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 913-682-3477 | 1020 Limit St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Church of the Open Door | 913-727-5006 | 4800 S 20th St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Cornerstone Church | 913-682-9818 | 1001 N 7th St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Emmanuel Baptist Church | 913-727-6688 | 24481 139th St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Episcopal Church Saint Paul's | 913-682-1033 | 200 209 7 N | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Faith Evangelistic Center | 913-651-5142 | 120 N Broadway St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Finishing Touch The | 913-682-2334 | 518 Delaware St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
First Baptist Church | 913-682-4426 | 340 N 13th St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
First Baptist Church | 913-682-2440 | 1212 Seneca St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
First Baptist Church | 913-680-1957 | 800 W 7th St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
First Christian Church | 913-682-3222 | 130 N 6th St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
First Presbyterian Church | 913-682-6891 | 407 Walnut St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
First United Methodist Church | 913-682-5374 | 422 Chestnut St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
First United Methodist Church | 913-682-3472 | 2401 Grand Ave | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Fortress of Faith Christian Fello | 913-682-2263 | 2700 Wilson Ave | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Freedom in Christ Prison Ministry | 913-651-8258 | 115 Kickapoo St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
High Prairie Church | 913-727-1576 | 26480 187th St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Household of Faith | 913-682-5585 | 2021 Metropolitan St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Independent Baptist Church Prayer L | 913-651-5600 | 601 Pottawatomie St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Independent Missionary Baptist Church | 913-682-0807 | 6 Pottawatomie | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Jarbalo United Methodist Churc | 913-727-5121 | 23580 211th St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Jehovah's Witnesses Kingdom Hall | 913-682-7344 | 2500 10th Ave | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Korean Methodist Church | 913-682-7007 | 1526 10th Ave | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Korean Presbyterian Church of Kansa | 913-682-8776 | 2002 S 51 | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Leavenworth Baptist Church | 913-682-4396 | 746 Spruce St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Leavenworth Christian Church | 913-250-1100 | 251 Muncie Rd | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Lloyd's of Leavenworth | 913-682-7936 | 900 5th Ave | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Midwest District-Efca | 913-727-2787 | 14005 Robin Rd | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Mitchell's Rental Yard | 913-758-1808 | 3501 S 4th St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Northwest Baptist Church | 913-682-2993 | 503 S 18th St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Pentecostal Church of Apostolic Faith | 913-682-7730 | 1701 5th Ave | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
River City Vineyard Christian Fello | 913-682-7880 | 511 Delaware St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Rock of Ages Chapel | 913-758-1255 | 1017 Randolph St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Sally's and River Gallery | 913-682-4348 | 412 Delaware St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Services Catholic Community | 913-682-7989 | 1118 N 9th St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Sisters of Charity | 913-250-0479 | 5000 Lakeview Dr | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Sisters of Charity | 913-682-5731 | 100 Olive St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Sisters of Charity | 913-651-4327 | 521 Pleasant Ave | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth | 913-682-6486 | 3400 Iowa St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Southern Heights United Methodist Churc | 913-682-4996 | 726 Muncie Rd | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
St James Cme Church | 913-682-0262 | 621 Pennsylvania Ave | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
St Paul Lutheran Church | 913-682-5553 | 320 N 7th St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
St Paul Lutheran Church and School | 913-682-0387 | 7th & Miami | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Sunflower Missionary Baptist Church | 913-682-7475 | 1708 5th Ave | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Trinity Lutheran Church | 913-682-7474 | 2101 10th Ave | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Trinity Lutheran Church | 913-682-3748 | 905 Marion St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Trinity United Methodist Churc | 913-682-8555 | 321 N 6th St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
United Pentecostal Truth Tabernacl | 913-651-0353 | 79 Ash St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Unity Christ Church | 913-651-8000 | 513 Delaware St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Wallula Christian Church | 913-351-0044 | 23785 139th St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
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