Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Leavenworth, KS 66048
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Leavenworth KS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Crossroads Christian Academy | 913-680-1411 | 501 Olive St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Easton Unified School District 449 | 913-682-6032 | 32325 167th St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Fort Leavenworth School District No 207 | 913-651-6517 | Biddle Blvd | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Immaculata High School | 913-682-3900 | 600 Shawnee St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Immaculate Conception St Joseph Churc | 913-682-5527 | 522 Kickapoo St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Leavenworth Catholic School System | 913-682-1943 | 1409 2nd Ave | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Leavenworth Catholic School System | 913-682-3135 | 721 Osage St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Leavenworth Elementary Schools | 913-684-1550 | 2012 10th Ave | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Leavenworth Elementary Schools | 913-684-1450 | 1000 3rd Ave | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Leavenworth Elementary Schools | 913-684-1440 | 1100 3rd Ave | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Leavenworth Elementary Schools | 913-684-1500 | 570 Evergreen St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Leavenworth Elementary Schools | 913-684-1480 | 616 Grand Ave | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Leavenworth Elementary Schools | 913-727-6070 | 541 Muncie Rd | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Leavenworth Elementary Schools | 913-684-1570 | 820 N 5th St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Leavenworth Middle Schools | 913-684-1520 | 1901 Spruce St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Leavenworth Public Schools Usd 453 | 913-684-1568 | 714 Lawrence Ave | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Leavenworth Public Schools Usd 453 | 913-684-1490 | 401 N 17th St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Leavenworth Public Schools Usd 453 | 913-684-1400 | 200 N 4th St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Leavenworth Public Schools Usd 453 | 913-684-1580 | 801 N Broadway St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Leavenworth Public Schools Usd 453 | 913-684-1560 | 401 S 3rd St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Leavenworth Public Schools Usd 453 | 913-682-4594 | 4101 S 4th St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Schools | 913-684-1530 | 400 Chestnut St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Schools | 913-651-5556 | 21121 Dempsey Rd | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Schools | 913-651-5522 | 32500 Easton Rd | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
Schools | 913-651-5595 | PO Box 219 | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
University of Saint Mary | 913-682-5151 | 4100 S 4th St | Leavenworth | KS | 66048 |
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