Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Manhattan, KS 66502
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Manhattan KS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American Red Cross | 785-537-2180 | 2601 Anderson Ave Ste 200 | Manhattan | KS | 66502 |
American Red Cross The | 785-539-6363 | 2601 Anderson Ave | Manhattan | KS | 66502 |
Big Brthrs & Big Sis of Manhattan | 785-776-9575 | 305 S 4th St | Manhattan | KS | 66502 |
Big Lakes Developmental Center Inc | 785-776-9201 | 1416 Hayes Dr | Manhattan | KS | 66502 |
Casa | 785-537-6367 | 110 Courthouse Plz | Manhattan | KS | 66502 |
Catholic Charities | 785-323-0644 | 1115 Westport Dr | Manhattan | KS | 66502 |
Child Support Enforcement Ser | 785-776-4011 | 2709 Amherst Ave | Manhattan | KS | 66502 |
Family Connections of Riley County | 785-587-2875 | 2030 Tecumseh Rd | Manhattan | KS | 66502 |
Flint Hills Breadbasket | 785-537-0730 | 905 Yuma St | Manhattan | KS | 66502 |
Habitat for Humanity Manhattan | 785-537-7545 | 621 Humboldt St | Manhattan | KS | 66502 |
Infant Toddler Services Network of Rile | 785-776-6363 | 2600 Kimball Ave | Manhattan | KS | 66502 |
Manhattan City of | 785-776-8588 | 300 N 5th St | Manhattan | KS | 66502 |
Manhattan Emergency Shelter Inc | 785-537-3113 | 831 Leavenworth St | Manhattan | KS | 66502 |
Manhattan Housing Authority | 785-776-1882 | 1339 Flint Hills Pl | Manhattan | KS | 66502 |
The Farm Inc | 785-539-1017 | 116 S 4th St | Manhattan | KS | 66502 |
United Way of Riley County | 785-776-3779 | 114 S 4th St | Manhattan | KS | 66502 |
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