Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Caterers in Salina, KS 67401
* Each listing below of Caterers Information for Salina KS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
4-Bears Cafe & Catering | 785-827-3837 | 1700 E Iron Ave | Salina | KS | 67401 |
Capers Cafe & Bakery | 785-823-7177 | 109 N Santa Fe Ave | Salina | KS | 67401 |
Carlos O'kelly's Mexican Cafe | 785-826-1501 | Central Mall | Salina | KS | 67401 |
Chasers | 785-823-1739 | 1616 W Crawford St | Salina | KS | 67401 |
Gutierrez Mexican Steaks Vegetari | 785-825-1649 | 640 Westport Blvd | Salina | KS | 67401 |
Hickory Hut | 785-825-1588 | 1617 W Crawford St | Salina | KS | 67401 |
Jim's Country Style Chicken | 785-827-5076 | 649 S Broadway Blvd | Salina | KS | 67401 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 785-825-0322 | 430 S Broadway Blvd | Salina | KS | 67401 |
Lois's Snacks | 785-825-4379 | 304 S 11th St | Salina | KS | 67401 |
Martinelli's Little Italy | 785-826-9190 | 158 S Santa Fe Ave | Salina | KS | 67401 |
Martini's Steak & Chop House | 785-825-5090 | 117 N Santa Fe Ave | Salina | KS | 67401 |
Servicemaster Food Management | 785-825-5165 | Santa Fe at Claflin | Salina | KS | 67401 |
Other Local Caterers listings in Saline County KS |
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