Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Salina, KS 67401
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Salina KS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American Red Cross | 785-827-3644 | 145 S Santa Fe Ave | Salina | KS | 67401 |
Ashby House | 785-826-4935 | 153 S 8th St | Salina | KS | 67401 |
Child Abuse Prevention Services | 785-825-4493 | 302 S 7th St | Salina | KS | 67401 |
Farm Inc The | 785-823-1245 | 903 Prescott Rd | Salina | KS | 67401 |
Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers | 785-823-3819 | 239 N Santa Fe Ave | Salina | KS | 67401 |
Kansas Children's Service League | 785-825-2677 | 227 N Santa Fe Ave Ste 205 | Salina | KS | 67401 |
Kansas Special Olympic | 785-823-9587 | 215 S Santa Fe Ave Ste 101 | Salina | KS | 67401 |
Narcotics Anonymous Hot Line | 785-823-1988 | 139 N Santa Fe Ave | Salina | KS | 67401 |
Newstart Family Life Skills Center | 785-827-2800 | 1125 W South St | Salina | KS | 67401 |
Occk Inc | 785-827-9383 | 1710 W Schilling Rd | Salina | KS | 67401 |
Saint Francis Academy Incorporated Th | 785-452-9653 | 509 E Elm St | Salina | KS | 67401 |
Saint Francis Academy Incorporated Th | 785-826-6654 | 255 N 10th St | Salina | KS | 67401 |
Saint Francis Academy Incorporated Th | 785-493-8059 | 5097 W Cloud St | Salina | KS | 67401 |
Salina Area Tobacco Prevention Coal | 785-309-0918 | 1804 Glendale Rd | Salina | KS | 67401 |
Saline County Association for | 785-826-9766 | 2206 Shalimar Dr | Salina | KS | 67401 |
United Way Salina Area | 785-827-1312 | 128 N Santa Fe Ave | Salina | KS | 67401 |
Unlimited Options Inc | 785-309-0875 | 742 Duvall Ave | Salina | KS | 67401 |
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