Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Derby, KS 67037
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Derby KS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Baha'l Faith of Derby | 316-788-7113 | PO Box 765 | Derby | KS | 67037 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 316-788-0864 | 7600 E 63rd St S | Derby | KS | 67037 |
Calvary Baptist Education Cente | 316-788-5731 | 421 N Westview Dr | Derby | KS | 67037 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 316-788-5936 | 8841 S Rock Rd | Derby | KS | 67037 |
Damascus Road Ministry Center | 316-789-9425 | 621 N Derby Ave | Derby | KS | 67037 |
Derby Christian School | 316-788-3729 | 1409 N Woodlawn Blvd | Derby | KS | 67037 |
Derby Church of Christ | 316-788-2672 | 225 N Derby Ave | Derby | KS | 67037 |
Derby Church of the Nazarene | 316-788-1801 | 840 N Woodlawn Blvd | Derby | KS | 67037 |
Faith Lutheran Church & School | 316-788-1715 | 214 S Derby Ave | Derby | KS | 67037 |
First Baptist Church of Derby | 316-788-0211 | 208 N Georgie Ave | Derby | KS | 67037 |
First Christian Church | 316-788-5503 | 201 N Derby Ave | Derby | KS | 67037 |
First Presbyterian Church of Derby | 316-788-2831 | 324 N Baltimore Ave | Derby | KS | 67037 |
Grace Harbor Baptist Church | 316-788-1296 | 824 Nelson Dr | Derby | KS | 67037 |
Jack & Jill Preschool | 316-788-1507 | 431 S Woodlawn Blvd | Derby | KS | 67037 |
Madison Avenue United Methodist Churc | 316-788-1073 | 900 E Madison Ave | Derby | KS | 67037 |
New Heights Christian Fellowship | 316-788-1556 | 710 N Woodlawn Blvd | Derby | KS | 67037 |
Pleasantview Baptist Church | 316-788-3734 | 1335 N Buckner St | Derby | KS | 67037 |
Praise Assembly of God Derby | 316-788-5523 | 321 S Derby Ave | Derby | KS | 67037 |
St Andrews Episcopal Church | 316-788-2595 | 1062 Chet Smith Ave | Derby | KS | 67037 |
Steps To Life | 316-788-5559 | 9330 Prairie Meadows Cir | Derby | KS | 67037 |
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