Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Wichita, KS 67207
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Wichita KS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Christ Community Church | 316-689-8361 | 2130 S Webb Rd | Wichita | KS | 67207 |
Church of Christ East Waterman | 316-682-3858 | 11921 E Waterman St | Wichita | KS | 67207 |
Church of Christ Greenwich Road | 316-684-6536 | 1746 S Greenwich Rd | Wichita | KS | 67207 |
Church of the Nazarene | 316-682-1987 | 6433 E Morris St | Wichita | KS | 67207 |
Colonial Heights Baptist Church | 316-685-7257 | 1758 S Webb Rd | Wichita | KS | 67207 |
Countryside Christian Church | 316-686-7206 | 1919 S Rock Rd | Wichita | KS | 67207 |
Discovery Bible School | 316-688-5789 | 9920 E Harry St Ste 220 | Wichita | KS | 67207 |
Faith Chapel | 316-685-5574 | 6808 E Harry St | Wichita | KS | 67207 |
Faith Chapel | 316-682-4005 | 7000 E Harry St | Wichita | KS | 67207 |
Foundry Christian Fellowship The | 316-681-3990 | 1855 S Rock Rd Ste 143 | Wichita | KS | 67207 |
Heartland Community Church of Wichi | 316-686-0060 | 11801 E Lincoln St | Wichita | KS | 67207 |
Journey The | 316-687-1628 | 8045 E Douglas Ave | Wichita | KS | 67207 |
Kansas Area Resource Center | 316-684-4927 | 9440 E Boston St Ste 120 | Wichita | KS | 67207 |
Kansas West United Methodist Confe | 316-684-0266 | 9440 E Boston St Ste 110 | Wichita | KS | 67207 |
Korean Presbyterian Church | 316-652-9631 | 8035 E Gilbert St | Wichita | KS | 67207 |
Lincoln Baptist Church | 316-682-4409 | 7801 E Lincoln St | Wichita | KS | 67207 |
Maranatha Worship Center | 316-685-1202 | 888 S Webb Rd | Wichita | KS | 67207 |
National Association of United Methodis | 316-686-1390 | 2230 S Linden Ct | Wichita | KS | 67207 |
Revelation Ministries Christian Churc | 316-685-3236 | 7607 E Harry St | Wichita | KS | 67207 |
United Methodist Wichita Distric | 316-684-6652 | 9440 E Boston St | Wichita | KS | 67207 |
Woodland Lakes Community Churc | 316-682-9522 | 770 S Greenwich Rd | Wichita | KS | 67207 |
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