Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Wichita, KS 67217
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Wichita KS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethany Lutheran Church & School | 316-265-7415 | 1000 W 26th St S | Wichita | KS | 67217 |
Calvary's Rock | 316-943-1155 | 2661 S Meridian Ave | Wichita | KS | 67217 |
Christian Family Ministries | 316-522-6957 | 4502 S Seneca St | Wichita | KS | 67217 |
Church of Christ 47th St | 316-524-6085 | 601 W 47th St S | Wichita | KS | 67217 |
Church of Christ Westside | 316-942-1649 | 3500 S Meridian Ave | Wichita | KS | 67217 |
Church of the First Born | 316-522-1376 | 3742 S West St | Wichita | KS | 67217 |
Faith Baptist Church | 316-522-6891 | 1408 W 34th St S | Wichita | KS | 67217 |
Glenn Park Christian Church | 316-943-4283 | 2757 S Glenn Ave | Wichita | KS | 67217 |
Glenville Bible Baptist Church | 316-524-6801 | 4604 S Seneca St | Wichita | KS | 67217 |
Harvest Chapel | 316-522-8065 | 1011 W 55th St S | Wichita | KS | 67217 |
Harvest Time Church The | 316-522-6449 | 1918 W Macarthur Rd | Wichita | KS | 67217 |
Heart of Kansas Southern Baptis | 316-943-3446 | 3474 S Meridian Ave | Wichita | KS | 67217 |
Iglesia Amigos | 316-263-6605 | 2703 S Osage Ave | Wichita | KS | 67217 |
Joyful Weddings | 316-522-6753 | 3515 S Elizabeth Ave | Wichita | KS | 67217 |
Little Lambs Child Care Center | 316-522-2341 | 928 W 31st St S | Wichita | KS | 67217 |
Parkview So Baptist Church | 316-943-7321 | 3430 S Meridian Ave | Wichita | KS | 67217 |
Presbyterian Churches | 316-522-6072 | 1511 W 27th St S | Wichita | KS | 67217 |
Southwest Community Church | 316-943-8251 | 3214 S Edwards Ave | Wichita | KS | 67217 |
St Bartholomew's Episcopal Churc | 316-941-4744 | 2799 S Meridian Ave | Wichita | KS | 67217 |
Triumphant Faith Center | 316-522-2204 | 5103 S Seneca St | Wichita | KS | 67217 |
United at the Cross Community Churc | 316-943-2590 | 2540 S Meridian Ave | Wichita | KS | 67217 |
Victory Independent Baptist Church | 316-524-5803 | 4343 S Seneca St | Wichita | KS | 67217 |
Westside Freewill Baptist Church | 316-524-6714 | 3310 W Macarthur Rd | Wichita | KS | 67217 |
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