Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Wichita, KS 67218
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Wichita KS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ah So Oriental Restaurant | 316-685-2091 | 855 S Oliver St | Wichita | KS | 67218 |
Arby's Roast Beef | 316-681-1215 | 4308 E Harry St | Wichita | KS | 67218 |
Bi-Da Saigon | 316-652-0758 | 3832 E Harry St | Wichita | KS | 67218 |
Brint's Diner | 316-684-0290 | 4834 E Lincoln St | Wichita | KS | 67218 |
Burger King | 316-652-0240 | 4222 E Harry St | Wichita | KS | 67218 |
Church's Fried Chicken | 316-682-2561 | 3808 E Harry St | Wichita | KS | 67218 |
Denny's Restaurants | 316-683-8362 | 4024 E Harry St | Wichita | KS | 67218 |
Dog-N-Shake Inc | 316-681-3072 | 817 S Oliver St | Wichita | KS | 67218 |
El Perron No 2 Restaurant | 316-683-9999 | 3824 E Harry St | Wichita | KS | 67218 |
Furr's Inc | 316-618-9850 | 1606 S Georgetown St | Wichita | KS | 67218 |
Jeanne's Cafe | 316-681-3335 | 4733 E Douglas Ave | Wichita | KS | 67218 |
Krazy Kaz | 316-260-1288 | 3407 E Douglas Ave | Wichita | KS | 67218 |
La Posada Inc | 316-612-1188 | 552 S Oliver St | Wichita | KS | 67218 |
Livingston's Cafe | 316-682-9265 | 924 S Woodlawn St | Wichita | KS | 67218 |
Long John Silver's Seafood Shoppe | 316-686-2541 | 4206 E Harry St | Wichita | KS | 67218 |
Los Zarraga's Mexican Restraurant | 316-686-0701 | 948 S Oliver St | Wichita | KS | 67218 |
Manna Wok Oriental Restaurant | 316-684-5512 | 4865 E Harry St | Wichita | KS | 67218 |
Manning Clampitt Meat and Chile Co | 316-686-7444 | 3441 E Harry St | Wichita | KS | 67218 |
Pho Vina Vietnamese Restaurant | 316-682-0236 | 4857 E Harry St | Wichita | KS | 67218 |
Quizno's Classic Subs | 316-687-6865 | 4100 E Harry St Ste 55 | Wichita | KS | 67218 |
River City | 316-260-1762 | 2304 S Oliver St | Wichita | KS | 67218 |
Sonic Drive-In | 316-684-4451 | 2224 S Oliver St | Wichita | KS | 67218 |
Southeast Carry Out | 316-682-6002 | 1520 S Oliver St | Wichita | KS | 67218 |
Spangles | 316-687-6653 | 3505 E Harry St | Wichita | KS | 67218 |
Subway | 316-686-1769 | 3301 E Harry St | Wichita | KS | 67218 |
Taco Bell | 316-685-5665 | 3725 E Harry St | Wichita | KS | 67218 |
Taco Tico | 316-684-9311 | 3425 E Douglas Ave | Wichita | KS | 67218 |
Taco Tico | 316-682-0181 | 3257 E Harry St | Wichita | KS | 67218 |
Watermark Books & Cafe | 316-682-1181 | 4701 E Douglas Ave | Wichita | KS | 67218 |
Wendy's Old Fashion Hamburgers | 316-681-3841 | 3615 E Harry St | Wichita | KS | 67218 |
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