Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Topeka, KS 66608
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Topeka KS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary Church of God in Christ | 785-232-3035 | 1301 NW Van Buren St | Topeka | KS | 66608 |
Family of God Church | 785-234-1111 | 1231 NW Eugene St | Topeka | KS | 66608 |
Gethsemane Church of God in Christ | 785-354-4678 | 1404 N Kansas Ave | Topeka | KS | 66608 |
Grantville United Methodist Churc | 785-246-3621 | 3724 South St | Topeka | KS | 66608 |
Kansas Avenue United Methodist Churc | 785-234-0507 | 1029 N Kansas Ave | Topeka | KS | 66608 |
Mount Olive Primitive Baptist Church | 785-357-1334 | 701 NW Gordon St | Topeka | KS | 66608 |
North Topeka Baptist Church | 785-233-8071 | 123 NW Gordon St | Topeka | KS | 66608 |
Open Way Full Gospel Church | 785-233-8442 | 200 NW Gordon St | Topeka | KS | 66608 |
Seaman Congregational United Church O | 785-354-1786 | 2036 NW Taylor St | Topeka | KS | 66608 |
Seaman Southern Baptist Church | 785-234-4770 | 2015 NW Buchanan St | Topeka | KS | 66608 |
Second Baptist Church | 785-234-0331 | 424 NW Laurent St | Topeka | KS | 66608 |
Second Baptist Church Parsonage | 785-234-5187 | 416 NW Laurent St | Topeka | KS | 66608 |
St Mark's Ame Church | 785-232-0709 | 801 NW Harrison St | Topeka | KS | 66608 |
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