Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Kansas City, KS 66101
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Kansas City KS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ | 913-321-6883 | 745 Walker Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66101 |
Bethel Baptist Church | 913-281-0731 | 2405 Sherman St | Kansas City | KS | 66101 |
Calvary Missionary Baptist Church | 913-342-0994 | 901 Waverly Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66101 |
Christ the Savior Baptist Church | 913-342-5051 | 914 Splitlog Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66101 |
Christian Science Reading Rooms | 913-371-7019 | 736 Armstrong Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66101 |
Eighth St Baptist Church | 913-371-6221 | 1420 N 8th St | Kansas City | KS | 66101 |
Faith Lutheran Church | 913-321-1326 | 530 Quindaro Blvd | Kansas City | KS | 66101 |
First Ame Church | 913-371-2805 | 1111 N 8th St | Kansas City | KS | 66101 |
First Hmong Christian & Missionary Chur | 913-281-3640 | 700 Washington Blvd | Kansas City | KS | 66101 |
Grace Holy Trinity Baptist Church | 913-233-2220 | 2205 N 7th St | Kansas City | KS | 66101 |
Grant Chapel Ame Church | 913-281-1008 | 2800 N Tremont St | Kansas City | KS | 66101 |
Gray David L Rev | 913-371-5393 | 340 Oakland | Kansas City | KS | 66101 |
Holy Family Church Kansas | 913-371-1561 | 274 Orchard St | Kansas City | KS | 66101 |
Israelite Missionary Baptist Church | 913-281-3577 | 702 Oakland Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66101 |
Mason Memorial United Methodist Churc | 913-321-4105 | 1417 N 9th St | Kansas City | KS | 66101 |
Mt Calvary Missionary Baptist Church | 913-342-3650 | 1401 N 8th St | Kansas City | KS | 66101 |
Mt Zion Baptist Church | 913-342-0484 | 417 Richmond Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66101 |
New Jerusalem Missionary Bapt | 913-321-4478 | 800 Lafayette Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66101 |
Olivet Institutional Baptist Church | 913-281-0024 | 2013 N 7th St | Kansas City | KS | 66101 |
Parkwood Church of Christ | 913-281-3290 | 2517 N 9th St | Kansas City | KS | 66101 |
Shiloh Baptist Church | 913-371-5088 | 2213 N 3rd St | Kansas City | KS | 66101 |
Sisters of Charity | 913-342-2684 | 2300 N 8th St | Kansas City | KS | 66101 |
Sisters of Charity | 913-371-7140 | 919 Pacific Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66101 |
St John Baptist Church | 913-321-8288 | 2620 N 5th St | Kansas City | KS | 66101 |
St Peter Cme Church | 913-321-8220 | 1419 N 8th St | Kansas City | KS | 66101 |
Strangers Rest Baptist Church | 913-371-7237 | 2052 N 5th St | Kansas City | KS | 66101 |
The Baptist Church of the Apostles Do | 913-279-1015 | 851 Walker Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66101 |
Third Street Baptist Church | 913-342-2047 | 1947 N 3rd St | Kansas City | KS | 66101 |
Third Street Church of God Anderson in | 913-321-2038 | 1907 N 3rd St | Kansas City | KS | 66101 |
Trinity Ame Church | 913-621-2306 | 2201 N 5th St | Kansas City | KS | 66101 |
Turner House | 913-371-9756 | 2052 N 3rd St | Kansas City | KS | 66101 |
Union Hill Missionary Baptist Church | 913-321-0856 | 713 Freeman Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66101 |
Young Memorial Church of God in Chris | 913-371-4090 | 2401 N 9th St | Kansas City | KS | 66101 |
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