Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Kansas City, KS 66104
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Kansas City KS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Allen Chapel Ame Church | 913-371-7489 | 3421 N 29th St | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
Antioch Baptist Church | 913-281-2265 | 1335 Quindaro Blvd | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
Bethesda Missionary Baptist Church | 913-281-5030 | 2831 N 12th St | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
Bible Temple Missionary Baptist Church | 913-342-2363 | 2804 Hiawatha St | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
Bread of Life Outreach Ministries | 913-371-5433 | 2019 N 18th St | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
Brenner Heights Baptist Church | 913-299-3771 | 6029 Sewell Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
Brown Chapel Baptist Church | 913-596-1286 | 2105 N 47th St | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
Central States Conference Cent | 913-371-1071 | 3301 Parallel Pkwy | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
Church of Christ | 913-233-2134 | 2927 Spring Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
Faith Mission Missionary Bapt | 913-371-1306 | 1876 N 28th St | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
First Baptist Church of Quindaro | 913-621-4510 | 3030 Farrow Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
Good News Church of God | 913-621-4405 | 1618 Quindaro Blvd | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
Grandview United Methodist Churc | 913-299-3114 | 6660 Leavenworth Rd | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
Greater Emmanuel Missionary Bapt | 913-371-0019 | 2421 Parallel Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
Greater Faith Missionary Bapt | 913-621-6672 | 1937 N 32nd St | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
Guiding Star Missionary Baptist Church | 913-371-7650 | 3035 N 27th St | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
Holy Mission of Israel | 913-371-4429 | 1615 Quindaro Blvd | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
House of Prayer Evangelistic Ch | 913-371-4477 | 2648 N 18th St | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
Jacob's Ladder Foundation of K | 913-596-6387 | 5121 Parallel Pkwy | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 913-342-1727 | 2729 Cleveland Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
Kimball Missionary Baptist Church | 913-621-3610 | 2019 Quindaro Blvd | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
King Solomon Missionary Baptist Church | 913-281-3259 | 2601 Garfield Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
Mount Sinai Baptist Church | 913-371-4601 | 2001 Quindaro Blvd | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
Mt Carmel C O G I C | 913-621-2525 | 2025 N 12th St | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
New Fellowship Baptist Church | 913-621-7001 | 1235 Georgia Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
New Hope Full Gospel Baptist Church | 913-287-7504 | 5726 Nogard Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
Praise Chapel Christian Fellowship | 913-596-0006 | 5047 Parallel Pkwy | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
Rising Star Baptist Church | 913-371-0629 | 1034 Walker Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
Roswell Church of Christ | 913-621-0382 | 2900 Roswell Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
Saint Paul Ame Church | 913-342-4662 | 3074 N 33rd St | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
Salem Baptist Church | 913-342-0306 | 1824 N 11th St | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
St Andrew Baptist Church | 913-596-2848 | 5300 Parallel Pkwy | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
Sunset Hills Christian Church | 913-788-5600 | 6347 Leavenworth Rd | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
Tabernacle Baptist Church | 913-621-0620 | 1220 Walker Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
Thirdstreet Baptist Church | 913-788-9892 | 2930 N 64th Ter | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
Victory Hills Bapt Church | 913-299-0555 | 2010 N 66th Ter | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
Welborn Baptist Church | 913-287-2444 | 3146 N 51st St | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
Welborn Com United Church of Chris | 913-287-5766 | 5217 Leavenworth Rd | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
Zion Traveler's Missionary Bapt | 913-342-4536 | 3400 N 29th St | Kansas City | KS | 66104 |
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