Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Kansas City, KS 66106
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Kansas City KS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Argentine Mennonite Church | 913-831-3621 | 3701 Metropolitan Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66106 |
Argentine United Presbyterian Ch | 913-831-4539 | 3801 Strong Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66106 |
Assembly of God Full Gospel Korean K | 913-788-5858 | 1424 S 55th St | Kansas City | KS | 66106 |
Bristol Hill United Methodist Churc | 913-432-2318 | 4826 County Line Rd | Kansas City | KS | 66106 |
Calvary Chapel | 913-384-2416 | 2614 S 18th St | Kansas City | KS | 66106 |
Church of Christ Argentine | 913-831-3444 | 3916 Strong Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66106 |
Church of God of Prophecy | 913-375-1337 | 2626 S 65th St | Kansas City | KS | 66106 |
Crest Bible Church | 913-722-6021 | 4815 Gibbs Rd | Kansas City | KS | 66106 |
Crestview Assembly of God Church | 913-722-6866 | 2700 S 55th St | Kansas City | KS | 66106 |
Crossroads Christian Cathedral | 913-262-8200 | 2500 S 44th St | Kansas City | KS | 66106 |
Faith Temple Family Worship Center | 913-262-1603 | 3340 Woodend Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66106 |
First Baptist Church of Turner | 913-287-7756 | 701 S 55th St | Kansas City | KS | 66106 |
Gospel Outreach Center | 913-677-1737 | 3200 Merriam Ln | Kansas City | KS | 66106 |
Greater Faith Deliverance Tem | 913-677-9777 | 2420 S 53rd Ln | Kansas City | KS | 66106 |
Korean Antioch Church of the Nazarene | 913-831-6779 | 1900 Steele Rd | Kansas City | KS | 66106 |
Korean Presbyterian Church of Kansa | 913-236-7636 | 2002 S 51st St | Kansas City | KS | 66106 |
Korean Young Nak Presbyterian Cu | 913-375-1999 | 3000 S 55th St | Kansas City | KS | 66106 |
Madden Temple Church of God in Christ | 913-831-3641 | 2300 Ruby Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66106 |
Maple Hill Baptist Church | 913-262-6716 | 2611 S 31st St | Kansas City | KS | 66106 |
Metropolitan Avenue United Methodis | 913-831-4531 | 3730 Metropolitan Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66106 |
Metropolitan Southern Baptist Church | 913-287-9673 | 5502 Metropolitan Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66106 |
Morris Independent Baptist Chapel | 913-375-1526 | 2045 S 74th St | Kansas City | KS | 66106 |
Oak Grove Bapt Church | 913-236-7220 | 5500 Woodend Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66106 |
Sacred Heart Church Kansas | 913-677-1277 | 2646 S 34th St | Kansas City | KS | 66106 |
Second Metropolitan Baptist Church | 913-831-1340 | 1824 S 37th St | Kansas City | KS | 66106 |
Seventh Day Adventist Spanish Church | 913-432-9596 | 3700 Argentine Blvd | Kansas City | KS | 66106 |
Shawnee Full Gospel Church | 913-262-8233 | 4830 Shawnee Dr | Kansas City | KS | 66106 |
Spanish Church of the Nazarene | 913-384-4194 | 3040 S 51st St | Kansas City | KS | 66106 |
United Church of the Good Shepherd | 913-432-0404 | 3500 Dodson Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66106 |
Willard Avenue Baptist Church | 913-722-5664 | 3205 Willard Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66106 |
Wyandotte Tabernacle | 913-287-9848 | 1229 S 59th St | Kansas City | KS | 66106 |
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