Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Kansas City, KS 66109
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Kansas City KS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
83rd Street Baptist Church | 913-334-3224 | 2715 N 83rd St | Kansas City | KS | 66109 |
Aldersgate Free Methodist Churc | 913-299-6795 | 7301 Yecker Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66109 |
Bethel Community of Christ Church | 913-299-0785 | 8510 Leavenworth Rd | Kansas City | KS | 66109 |
Bethel Lutheran Church Mo Synod | 913-299-6478 | 2801 N 83rd St | Kansas City | KS | 66109 |
Bethel Presbyterian Church of Kansa | 913-299-2479 | 2907 N 81st St | Kansas City | KS | 66109 |
Church of the Nazarene | 913-299-8555 | 8350 Leavenworth Rd | Kansas City | KS | 66109 |
Cochran Cole Rev | 913-299-3706 | 10638 Parallel Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66109 |
Cornerstone Community Church | 913-299-3400 | 2400 N 81st St | Kansas City | KS | 66109 |
Covenant Baptist Church | 913-299-1494 | 2041 N 75th Ter | Kansas City | KS | 66109 |
First Baptist Church of Bethel | 913-299-3339 | 7500 Leavenworth Rd | Kansas City | KS | 66109 |
Liberty Baptist Church | 913-721-2024 | 13101 Parallel Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66109 |
Maywood Community Church | 913-721-2760 | 11201 Parallel Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66109 |
Open Door Ministries | 913-334-7777 | 3033 N 103rd Ter | Kansas City | KS | 66109 |
Parkway Baptist Church | 913-721-1546 | 12320 Parallel Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66109 |
Piper United Methodist Church | 913-721-3316 | 3001 N 115th St | Kansas City | KS | 66109 |
Sisters of Charity | 913-299-5226 | 2636 N 83rd St | Kansas City | KS | 66109 |
St Martin Evangelical Lutheran Church | 913-721-1312 | 13849 Hollingsworth Rd | Kansas City | KS | 66109 |
Temple of Refuge | 913-788-9310 | 7365 Leavenworth Rd | Kansas City | KS | 66109 |
Wolcott Baptist Church | 913-334-6099 | 10601 Hutton Rd | Kansas City | KS | 66109 |
Zion United Church of Christ | 913-299-6176 | 2711 N 72nd St | Kansas City | KS | 66109 |
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