Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Kansas City, KS 66111
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Kansas City KS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Christ's Outreach Ministries | 913-422-8207 | 9775 Swartz Rd | Kansas City | KS | 66111 |
Edwardsville Christian Church | 913-441-1188 | 10500 Kaw Dr | Kansas City | KS | 66111 |
Edwardsville United Methodist Churc | 913-422-5384 | 302 N 4th St | Kansas City | KS | 66111 |
Galilee Missionary Baptist Church | 913-334-6429 | 111 S 72nd St | Kansas City | KS | 66111 |
Grinter Chapel Methodist Churc | 913-299-8052 | 7819 Swartz Rd | Kansas City | KS | 66111 |
Mission Creek Baptist Church Parsonag | 913-441-2425 | 10900 Riverview Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66111 |
New Hope Christian Fellowship | 913-788-4673 | 8200 Kansas Ave | Kansas City | KS | 66111 |
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church | 913-441-2379 | 2001 S 94th St | Kansas City | KS | 66111 |
One N Da Spirit Ministries | 913-299-1255 | 14 N 80th Ter | Kansas City | KS | 66111 |
Pleasant Hill Baptist Church | 913-422-5607 | 2010 S 98th St | Kansas City | KS | 66111 |
Stony Point Christian Church | 913-299-1873 | 149 S 78th St | Kansas City | KS | 66111 |
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