Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Beauty Salons in Newport, KY 41071
* Each listing below of Beauty Salons Information for Newport KY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aj Full Effect | 859-291-4247 | 38 E 10th St | Newport | KY | 41071 |
Bonnie's His N Hers Styles | 859-261-2232 | 947 York St | Newport | KY | 41071 |
E-Jay Hairstyling | 859-431-5737 | 227 E 10th St | Newport | KY | 41071 |
Emma's Hairtique | 859-431-1177 | 641 Monmouth St | Newport | KY | 41071 |
Growing Designs | 859-491-1753 | 5 E 6th St | Newport | KY | 41071 |
Hair Designs Unlimited | 859-781-5400 | 2304 Alexandria Pike | Newport | KY | 41071 |
Jill'os Beauty Salon | 859-261-7191 | 116 E 8th St | Newport | KY | 41071 |
Monroe Hair Salon The | 859-491-9666 | 4 Willow St | Newport | KY | 41071 |
N2u Salon | 859-581-2600 | 1305 Monmouth St | Newport | KY | 41071 |
Patty's & Carol's House of Stylg | 859-431-7330 | 936 York St | Newport | KY | 41071 |
Perfect 10 Nail Salon | 859-431-6600 | 401 E 10th St | Newport | KY | 41071 |
Professional Hair Design | 859-581-6789 | 300 Washington Ave | Newport | KY | 41071 |
Russell Craft Hair Consltnt | 859-441-0435 | 330 Electric Ave | Newport | KY | 41071 |
Tina's Clip & Tan | 859-291-2887 | 737 York St | Newport | KY | 41071 |
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