Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Newport, KY 41071
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Newport KY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Christian Science Church of Chris | 859-261-4007 | 639 Nelson Pl | Newport | KY | 41071 |
Christian Tabernacle | 859-291-5067 | 325 Washington Ave | Newport | KY | 41071 |
Church of God | 859-491-6925 | 401 Keturah St | Newport | KY | 41071 |
Corinthian Bapt Church | 859-491-9470 | 7 Saratoga | Newport | KY | 41071 |
Covenant Christian Church | 859-291-1956 | 2 Linden | Newport | KY | 41071 |
First Baptist Church of Nwprt | 859-261-3328 | 8 E York | Newport | KY | 41071 |
First Church of God | 859-291-2092 | 338 E 9th St | Newport | KY | 41071 |
Love & Faith Fellowship Church | 859-581-4244 | 720 York St | Newport | KY | 41071 |
Nazarene Newport First Church of The | 859-581-0668 | 830 York St | Newport | KY | 41071 |
New Hope Christian Cntr | 859-491-5616 | 941 Central Ave | Newport | KY | 41071 |
New Hope United Meth Church | 859-781-1660 | 22 Wilm Blatt Ave | Newport | KY | 41071 |
New Macedonia Regular Bapt Church | 859-431-4133 | 1143 Central Ave | Newport | KY | 41071 |
Old Time Holiness Church | 859-261-1437 | 726 Park Ave | Newport | KY | 41071 |
Second Bapt Church | 859-431-5132 | 713 Brighton St | Newport | KY | 41071 |
Shield of Faith Pentecstl Churc | 859-581-7245 | 529 W 12th St | Newport | KY | 41071 |
St John's United Church of Christ | 859-431-1818 | 415 Park Ave | Newport | KY | 41071 |
St Mark Luth Church | 859-261-4660 | 8 Monroe | Newport | KY | 41071 |
St Paul's Episcopal Church | 859-581-7640 | 7 Court Pl | Newport | KY | 41071 |
W 7th Street First Church of God | 859-431-7456 | 312 W 7th St | Newport | KY | 41071 |
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