Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Beauty Salons in Owensboro, KY 42303
* Each listing below of Beauty Salons Information for Owensboro KY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Babe's Beauty Boutique | 270-684-5441 | 806 E 18th St | Owensboro | KY | 42303 |
Deborah's Day Spa & Salon | 270-684-7558 | 1722 Sweeney St | Owensboro | KY | 42303 |
Enchanted Expressions | 270-691-0015 | 3271 Alvey Park Dr W | Owensboro | KY | 42303 |
Guys and Dolls Hair Design & Tannin | 270-685-1236 | 809 Time Dr | Owensboro | KY | 42303 |
Hair Care Beauty Salon | 270-685-2130 | 3014 E 4th St | Owensboro | KY | 42303 |
Hair F X | 270-683-2188 | 2005 Triplett St | Owensboro | KY | 42303 |
Jack Myers Hair Styles | 270-684-0444 | 1217 Sweeney St | Owensboro | KY | 42303 |
Magic Mirror | 270-683-4005 | 1729 Sweeney St | Owensboro | KY | 42303 |
Maria's Cruse Salon | 270-684-8222 | 1724 Cruse Dr | Owensboro | KY | 42303 |
Mary's Beauty Shop Galore | 270-926-0283 | 110 E 9th St | Owensboro | KY | 42303 |
Patty's Hair Studio | 270-281-9050 | 5231 Jones Rd | Owensboro | KY | 42303 |
Profiles Hair Designs | 270-926-3622 | 105 E 18th St | Owensboro | KY | 42303 |
Roberta's Beauty Shop | 270-685-1357 | 627 E 22nd St | Owensboro | KY | 42303 |
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