Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Owensboro, KY 42301
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Owensboro KY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apollo Heights Baptist Church | 270-684-9044 | 2322 Tamarack Rd | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Asbury United Methodist Church | 270-689-0801 | 2711 Cravens Ave | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Buena Vista Baptist Church | 270-683-6280 | Main Bldg | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Cedar St Missionary Baptist Church | 270-926-4882 | 824 Cedar St | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Century Christian Church Disciple | 270-684-0286 | 1301 Tamarack Rd | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Christ Gospel Church | 270-683-1843 | 9 Gale Ave | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Church of the Firstborn | 270-685-6007 | 1416 Independence Ave | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Church of the Living God Pgt | 270-926-9826 | 2319 W 10th St | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Crosspointe Baptist Church | 270-689-9488 | 550 Worthington Rd | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Daviess McLean Baptist Bldg | 270-684-2377 | 1003 Scherm Rd | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Eaton Memorial Baptist Church | 270-684-5239 | 1225 W 3rd St | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Faith Lutheran Church Elca | 270-684-6611 | 2830 Frederica St | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
First Church of God | 270-691-2610 | 2101 State Route 554 | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
First Free Will Baptist Church | 270-684-8706 | 4314 W 5th Street Rd | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
First General Baptist Church | 270-683-8383 | 620 Maple Ave | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
First Presbyterian Church Pcusa | 270-684-1467 | 1328 Griffith Ave | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Fourth Street Baptist Church | 270-684-5788 | 821 W 4th St | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Greater Ebenezer Temple | 270-685-5765 | 1528 W 9th St | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Harvest Baptist Temple | 270-683-4960 | 4430 Old Calhoun Rd | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Immaculate Church The | 270-683-0689 | 2516 Christie Pl | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Immanuel Baptist Church | 270-684-3150 | Leitchfield Rd | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Lewis Lane Baptist Church | 270-684-4266 | 2600 Lewis Ln | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Mt Calvary Baptist Church | 270-684-9606 | 507 Plum St | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
New Life Baptist Church | 270-683-5626 | 400 Crabtree Ave | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
One Thousand Missionary Movement N Amer | 270-684-4474 | 1542 Frederica St | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Owensboro C P Church | 270-683-4479 | 910 Booth Ave | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Owensboro District Office United M | 270-684-3349 | 3000 Frederica St | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Owensboro Faith Fellowship | 270-683-4120 | 1836 W 5th St | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Panther Creek Baptist Church | 270-684-2155 | 7146 US Highway 431 | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Parrish Avenue Baptist Church | 270-683-2156 | 2339 W Parrish Ave | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Parrish Avenue Church of Christ | 270-684-0358 | 2302 W Parrish Ave | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Pleasant Grove Cemetery | 270-771-4150 | 5712 State Route 56 | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Pleasant Memorial Baptist Church | 270-683-1027 | 5440 W 5th Street Rd | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Precious Blood Church | 270-684-6888 | 3306 Fenmore St | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Ridgewood Baptist Church | 270-683-2324 | 800 Carter Rd | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Salvation Army The | 270-685-5576 | 235 S Ewing Rd | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
St John United Methodist Churc | 270-683-6326 | 2160 Griffith Ave | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
St Paul A M E Church | 270-684-8020 | 624 Elm St | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Trinity Episcopal Church | 270-684-5326 | 720 Ford Ave | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Walnut Memorial Baptist Church | 270-684-7234 | 3300 Frederica St | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Wesleyan Heights United Methodist Churc | 270-684-5573 | 1215 Scherm Rd | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Westside Church of Christ | 270-683-4204 | 4201 Benttree Dr | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Woodlawn United Methodist Churc | 270-683-9868 | 1120 Woodlawn Ave | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
Zion Baptist Church | 270-684-0845 | 2311 W 9th St | Owensboro | KY | 42301 |
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