Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Lexington, KY 40508
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Lexington KY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A & W Restaurant | 859-252-0800 | 652 E Main St | Lexington | KY | 40508 |
Arby's | 859-252-6861 | 507 S Limestone | Lexington | KY | 40508 |
Bedminster Coffee Company Inc | 859-281-1311 | 557 S Limestone | Lexington | KY | 40508 |
Blimpie | 859-231-9499 | 389 Rose St | Lexington | KY | 40508 |
Caitlin's City Cafe | 859-231-1917 | 1205 Versailles Rd | Lexington | KY | 40508 |
Chipotle | 859-389-6643 | 345 S Limestone | Lexington | KY | 40508 |
Columbia Steak House | 859-231-0008 | 261 Midland Ave | Lexington | KY | 40508 |
Dudley's Restaurant | 859-252-1010 | 380 S Mill St | Lexington | KY | 40508 |
Fazoli's Restaurant | 859-233-0022 | 130 Winslow St | Lexington | KY | 40508 |
Fresh Bite Inc | 859-258-2217 | 319 S Limestone | Lexington | KY | 40508 |
Gambino's | 859-252-0575 | 124 W Maxwell St | Lexington | KY | 40508 |
Hanna's on Lime | 859-252-6264 | 214 S Limestone | Lexington | KY | 40508 |
Huddle House | 859-252-8911 | 303 S Limestone | Lexington | KY | 40508 |
Indi's Fast Food Restaurant | 859-233-7985 | 670 N Broadway | Lexington | KY | 40508 |
Jimmy John's | 859-231-8989 | 385 S Limestone | Lexington | KY | 40508 |
Kashmir Indian Restaurant | 859-233-3060 | 341 S Limestone | Lexington | KY | 40508 |
Keith & Kags Bar & Grill | 859-252-1003 | 380 E 2nd St | Lexington | KY | 40508 |
Kitty O'sheas | 859-255-3078 | 381 S Limestone | Lexington | KY | 40508 |
Lynagh's Irish Pub & Grill | 859-255-1292 | 384 Woodland Ave | Lexington | KY | 40508 |
McDonalds Restaurant | 859-252-0711 | 357 S Limestone | Lexington | KY | 40508 |
Mr Wok | 859-254-7383 | 108 Winslow St | Lexington | KY | 40508 |
Slice of Chicago | 859-381-8700 | 433 Jersey St | Lexington | KY | 40508 |
Subway | 859-389-9484 | 1202 Versailles Rd | Lexington | KY | 40508 |
Subway | 859-425-1171 | 386 Woodland Ave | Lexington | KY | 40508 |
The Hideaway Bar | 859-252-9539 | 497 W 3rd St | Lexington | KY | 40508 |
The Pita Pit | 859-253-0333 | 315 S Limestone | Lexington | KY | 40508 |
Tolly-Ho Restaurants Inc | 859-253-2007 | 395 S Limestone | Lexington | KY | 40508 |
Two Keys Tavern | 859-254-5000 | 333 S Limestone | Lexington | KY | 40508 |
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