Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Lexington, KY 40511
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Lexington KY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Applebees | 859-226-0697 | 1761 Sharkey Way | Lexington | KY | 40511 |
Arby's | 859-233-7322 | 540 W New Circle Rd | Lexington | KY | 40511 |
Blue Grass on the Green | 859-225-6196 | 3403 Kearney Rd | Lexington | KY | 40511 |
Burger King | 859-299-2002 | 451 W New Circle Rd | Lexington | KY | 40511 |
Clay Wallace Catering | 859-255-2725 | 1415 Leestown Rd | Lexington | KY | 40511 |
Critchfield Meats Wholesale Divis | 859-255-6021 | 2285 Danforth Dr | Lexington | KY | 40511 |
Denny's Restaurants | 859-233-1874 | 1880 Newtown Pike | Lexington | KY | 40511 |
Hattie's | 859-255-8840 | 1401 N Forbes Rd | Lexington | KY | 40511 |
Lee's Famous Recipe | 859-233-0597 | 1487 Boardwalk | Lexington | KY | 40511 |
McDonald's Restaurant | 859-389-8118 | 1954 Stanton Way | Lexington | KY | 40511 |
McDonalds Restaurant | 859-252-2265 | 1620 Leestown Rd | Lexington | KY | 40511 |
Panda Garden Restaurant | 859-299-9798 | 531 W New Circle Rd | Lexington | KY | 40511 |
Steak Fest | 859-225-9698 | 1408 Mercer Rd | Lexington | KY | 40511 |
Tachibana Japanese Restaurant | 859-254-1911 | 785 Newtown Ct | Lexington | KY | 40511 |
Taco Tico | 859-243-9940 | 1483 Boardwalk | Lexington | KY | 40511 |
Terry's Corner | 859-299-3034 | 5496 Lexington Rd | Lexington | KY | 40511 |
Thoroughbred Restaurant | 859-252-9153 | 1483 Leestown Rd | Lexington | KY | 40511 |
Vina's Tea Room Restaurant | 859-252-1601 | 1463 Leestown Rd | Lexington | KY | 40511 |
Waffle House | 859-259-1099 | 1000 Georgetown Rd | Lexington | KY | 40511 |
Waffle House No 505 | 859-231-7942 | 1943 Stanton Way | Lexington | KY | 40511 |
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