Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Elizabethtown, KY 42701
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Elizabethtown KY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bluegrass Youth Service Ctr | 270-234-1204 | 170 W A Jenkins Rd | Elizabethtown | KY | 42701 |
Elizabethtown Christian Academy | 270-234-8174 | 401 W Poplar St | Elizabethtown | KY | 42701 |
Elizabethtown High School | 270-769-3381 | Panther Ln | Elizabethtown | KY | 42701 |
Elizabethtown Independent Sch | 270-769-1328 | 307 Cardinal Dr | Elizabethtown | KY | 42701 |
Elizabethtown Independent Sch | 270-765-7649 | 701 Hawkins Dr | Elizabethtown | KY | 42701 |
Elizabethtown Independent Sch | 270-765-6146 | 219 Helm St | Elizabethtown | KY | 42701 |
Elizabethtown Independent Sch | 270-769-3359 | 313 Morningside Dr | Elizabethtown | KY | 42701 |
Elizabethtown Independent Sch | 270-769-6343 | 323 Morningside Dr | Elizabethtown | KY | 42701 |
Elizabethtown Independent Sch | 270-737-7272 | 620 N Mulberry St | Elizabethtown | KY | 42701 |
H & R Block | 270-735-9200 | 1609C N Dixie Hwy | Elizabethtown | KY | 42701 |
Hardin County School District of | 270-737-0531 | 3154 Bardstown Rd | Elizabethtown | KY | 42701 |
Hardin County School District of | 270-737-0896 | 521 Charlemagne Blvd | Elizabethtown | KY | 42701 |
Hardin County School District of | 270-769-8880 | 2490 Leitchfield Rd | Elizabethtown | KY | 42701 |
Hardin County School District of | 270-769-8877 | 2514 Leitchfield Rd | Elizabethtown | KY | 42701 |
Hardin County School District of | 270-769-8890 | 128 Nalls Ln | Elizabethtown | KY | 42701 |
Hardin County School District of | 270-769-8850 | 114 S Mulberry St | Elizabethtown | KY | 42701 |
Hardin County School District of | 270-769-8800 | 65 W A Jenkins Rd | Elizabethtown | KY | 42701 |
Hardin County School District of | 270-737-3584 | 110 W A Jenkins Rd | Elizabethtown | KY | 42701 |
Hardin County School District of | 270-769-8837 | 384 W A Jenkins Rd | Elizabethtown | KY | 42701 |
Nami Heartland | 270-352-2800 | 100 Gray St | Elizabethtown | KY | 42701 |
St James Middle School | 270-765-7011 | 114 N Miles St | Elizabethtown | KY | 42701 |
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