Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Attorneys in Louisville, KY 40207
* Each listing below of Attorneys Information for Louisville KY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abrams Lawrence Attorney at Law | 502-895-3192 | 4500 Bowling Blvd | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Adams Kevin M | 502-899-5600 | 201 Thierman Ln | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Alcorn Patrick T | 502-895-4030 | 120 Meridian Ave Ste 1 | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Ament Mark S Atty | 502-893-0155 | 2205 Merrick Rd | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Armstrong Donald E Atty | 502-895-5750 | 3508 Graham Rd | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Ash Melissa G Atty | 502-326-5656 | 6008 Brownsboro Park Blvd | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Babbitz James A Atty | 502-896-2999 | 4169 Westport Rd | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Baltzell Victor L Jr Atty | 502-896-0180 | 19 Westwind Rd | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Bensinger Carl J Atty | 502-893-9892 | 4001 Stoneview Dr | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Bleidt John J Psc | 502-896-2301 | 105 S Sherrin Ave | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Borders & Borders Atty | 502-894-9200 | 920 Dupont Rd | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Carey James T Atty | 502-895-1365 | 3607 Hanover Rd | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Clark Galen L Atty | 502-896-2304 | 4055 Shelbyville Rd | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Cleary Richard S Atty | 502-897-0080 | 10 Woodhill Rd | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Cronan Charles J IV Atty | 502-895-9617 | 3200 Canterbury Ln | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Cunningham & Fell Pllc Atty | 502-893-8994 | 6010 Brownsboro Park Blvd Ste G | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Davidson Gordon B Atty | 502-893-6349 | 435 Lightfoot Rd | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Davis William W Atty | 502-897-3678 | 2012 Camargo Rd | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Fleck Stephen W Atty | 502-896-0863 | 4842 Brownsboro Ctr | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Frockt Stephen S Atty | 502-895-1517 | 125 Chenoweth Ln Ste 201 | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Grandinetti Carmin D Atty | 502-897-0014 | 4001 Elfin Ave | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Greene Michael R Atty | 502-897-8998 | 6004 Brownsboro Park Blvd | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Haden William H Jr Atty | 502-895-5679 | 2007 Indian Chute | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Joseph Alfred S III Atty | 502-893-5427 | 172 Arrowhead Rd | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Kidd Patricia Tierney Psc | 502-894-0252 | 4053 Shelbyville Rd | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Lavelle Charles J Atty | 502-893-5935 | 205 Blankenbaker Ln | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Leibson Alan N | 502-897-6460 | 1210 Park Hills Dr | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Louie Guenthner | 502-896-1481 | 3529 Hughes Rd | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Louis M Smith Jr Attorney at Law | 502-893-9622 | 4306 Talahi Way | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Niemi Bruce A Atty | 502-893-5865 | 4106 Alton Rd | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Perry Edwin H Atty | 502-897-1805 | 22 River Hill Rd | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Simon Alfred J Jr Atty | 502-893-2449 | 102 Wiltshire Ave | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Stein Matthew W Atty | 502-357-1691 | 517 Iola Rd | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Stopher Edward H Atty | 502-893-7736 | 480 Lightfoot Rd | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Swyers Walter J Atty | 502-895-6434 | 203 Council Rd | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Talbott Ben J Jr Atty | 502-895-8251 | 566 Blankenbaker Ln | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Treitz John G Jr Atty | 502-896-2612 | 322 Mockingbird Hill Rd | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Whonsetler & Johnson Pllc | 502-895-2297 | 6011 Brownsboro Park Blvd Ste E | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Williamson James R Atty | 502-895-1154 | 145 Westwind Rd | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
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