Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Auto Repair in Louisville, KY 40202
* Each listing below of Auto Repair Information for Louisville KY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aamco Transmissions | 502-582-2202 | 434 E Broadway | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
American Brake Centers Inc | 502-459-0355 | Hikes Ln | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Assured Auto Care Inc | 502-267-8986 | Galene Dr & Six Mile | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Assured Auto Care Inc | 502-426-5020 | Goose Creek Rd & Wes | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Auto-Motion | 502-589-1155 | 636 E Broadway | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Brown Bros Cadillac Chevrolet Inc | 502-583-9771 | Fourth & Broadway | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
D & M Transmissions | 502-368-6872 | 6013 New Cut Rd | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Dowmtown Ford Inc | 502-584-9731 | 5th & York | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Firestone Tire & Service Centers | 502-587-1285 | 401 E Broadway | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Hugh & Ed's Auto Service | 502-587-6552 | 700 E Market St | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Louisville Frame & Fender | 502-589-3548 | 430 E Broadway | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Mapco | 502-583-5316 | 710 E Broadway | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Martin Auto Mechanics | 502-228-7394 | 9401 W US Highway 42 | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
McMakin Rental Storage | 502-241-8138 | 7903 Old Zaring Rd | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Meineke Car Care Center | 502-587-6811 | 701 E Broadway | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Michel Tires Plus | 502-582-2557 | 434 E Market St | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Midas Auto Service Experts | 502-587-6984 | 430 S 1st St | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Perkins Eastside Chrysler Dodge | 502-241-7191 | 6424 W Highway 146 | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Perry G's Body Shop | 502-561-2004 | 612 E Gray St | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Prospect Chevron | 502-228-1168 | 13300 W US Highway 42 | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Quality Auto Painting & Body Works | 502-583-0717 | 700 E Broadway | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Sam Swope Auto Group Llc | 502-935-1433 | 6514 Dixie High | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Schevetto's Tire & Service Center | 502-231-0746 | 800 Beulah Church Rd | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Southside Automotive | 502-361-2050 | 8751 Gene Paulin Way | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
St Matthews | 502-896-3340 | 4164 11400 Westp | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Volksdoktor Import Service and Col | 502-584-3511 | Payne St | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
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