Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Louisville, KY 40204
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Louisville KY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Baxter Av Baptist Church | 502-583-4123 | 522 Baxter Ave | Louisville | KY | 40204 |
Cable Baptist Church | 502-584-8742 | 314 S Wenzel St | Louisville | KY | 40204 |
Christ Evangelical United Church O | 502-583-2212 | 1228 E Breckinridge St | Louisville | KY | 40204 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 502-451-3010 | 1325 Eastern Pkwy | Louisville | KY | 40204 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 502-451-4702 | 1333 Eastern Pkwy | Louisville | KY | 40204 |
Church of the Advent | 502-451-6066 | 901 Baxter Ave | Louisville | KY | 40204 |
Concordia Lutheran Church Missouri | 502-585-4459 | 1127 E Broadway | Louisville | KY | 40204 |
Eckankar Center of Louisville | 502-473-7070 | 1367 Bardstown Rd | Louisville | KY | 40204 |
Highland Baptist Church | 502-451-3735 | 1101 Cherokee Rd | Louisville | KY | 40204 |
Highland Community Church | 502-458-9655 | 1273 Bardstown Rd | Louisville | KY | 40204 |
Highland Presbyterian Church | 502-451-2910 | 1011 Cherokee Rd | Louisville | KY | 40204 |
Highland United Methodist Churc | 502-451-3838 | 1140 Cherokee Rd | Louisville | KY | 40204 |
Hsa Uwc | 502-485-1763 | 1402 Cherokee Rd | Louisville | KY | 40204 |
Jeff St Baptist Community at Li | 502-585-3787 | 800 E Liberty St | Louisville | KY | 40204 |
Lord's Temple the Church of God I | 502-585-3243 | 910 E Muhammad Ali Blvd | Louisville | KY | 40204 |
Metropolitan Community Church of Louis | 502-587-6225 | 1432 Highland Ave | Louisville | KY | 40204 |
Scientology Louisville | 502-458-8886 | 1277 Bardstown Rd | Louisville | KY | 40204 |
Sisters of Mercy Convent | 502-583-7641 | 1172 E Broadway | Louisville | KY | 40204 |
Sojourn | 502-454-5557 | 2001 Edgeland Ave | Louisville | KY | 40204 |
St Brigid Catholic Church | 502-584-5565 | 1520 Hepburn Ave | Louisville | KY | 40204 |
Vine Street Baptist Church | 502-585-3027 | 960 Vine St | Louisville | KY | 40204 |
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